Insurance sales were down there so they dropped them from the ranking. What I wanna know is how the f did Kansas make it on the list? No real motorcyclist would ever choose Kansas as a good motorcycle state. Even the interesting parts are boring.
Don't worry it's been there for a million years and the chance of it falling on you is very limited. A greater danger is day dreaming nature watchers in SUVs that don't watch the road and like to stop in the middle of the road intead of pulling into parking areas.
Has more to do with being on dial up. So like turbo has little to do with my normal internet experience. Serpentracers whining was getting to me especially since modern media like twitter, friend page or dick space had NOTHING to do with how I attached the link. Now on to women crashing scooters.
He must have kids. I know it drove me nuts when my x's kid would sit on the couch texting all day. I'd ask, "What in the world are you texting about, you haven't done anything all day"? Answer, "Nuttin".
+1 about being glad the situation worked out. All dogs are individuals and it is up to the owners to be responsible for them. My first doberman was a lover to everyone, my current dob will eat you if I don't introduce him to you first. Same breed totally different attitude. But I've encountered black labs that are not friendly so going solely by the breed is not always the best bet. I always think how scary it is that morons who arn't allowed to own dogs can still have kids. If you can't care for a dog you should never have children!
Sorry if this is 205, but this was pretty funny. Worse yet with the air box under water this moron trys to start the engine.
Remind me not to offer to show any of you some of my favorite roads, because if Clear Creek is "that bad" you'd probably wanna shoot me for leading you into the areas I enjoy.
News says two riders are down on 270 north of Main heading north. No names yet or description of accident but supposedly both riders have been taken to hospitals.
Must of not had his pipes tuned correctly. That or the conversation was like this: "Can you hear me now?" "Can you hear me now?" "Can you hear me now?" "Can you hear me now?" "Can you hear me now?" Good!