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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Yes, he sold it and only has the r6.
  2. I heard you should either bite his paw or his ear to show male dominance. Do that and let me know the results.
  3. Shady if you don't mind me asking what brand of protein are you going with? Also what type of protein as well? Are you taking creatine and are you using a pre-workout drink. Also I plan on starting my 30 day diet on 05/06/13. Looking for a workout partner to help with spots and I have a plan written down. Thinking about going to the urban active at Polaris if anyone is interested.
  4. Ok so here is the new plan. The plan is to meet at Iron Pony at 1pm to 1:30pm. Then ride down to meet spot by 2pm. Hutch will be group leader on this one and we will be meeting him and some others. You guys will love Coshocton and the roads. This is the plan so far. I will be at Iron Pony at 1:15pm in the parking lot. I will let Hutch know this. Anyone wanting to ride down with me can post here. See you down there by 2pm Shawn. As always ride within your limits and the group will wait up for you. Watch for gravel and animals etc... I will update first post
  5. Nope it was Ms Kitty that I talked to on Sunday. Her picture is the same person and she said that it was an 08 r6 that is black and purple. Interesting thread. The Leg humpers run wild and free in this forum.
  6. Holy crap. I put wrong date. I meant this Saturday 04/27/13. Not May. I was tired last night. Can you change it? The ride is for this Saturday. Hutch we can meet up with you if you want to join. I am fine with riding anywhere. Sorry for the confusion. :bow:
  7. ok I put you down. I'm waiting to hear from Shawn to see what time works for him. He said he might have something to do but I know for sure he can make it to 3pm. Shawn will also be group leader on this ride. Unless someone else wants to ride a different route. Casper my vision into the future was able to see clouds with nice weather in mind.
  8. Ms Kitty Thanks ninjachic and you can always be my wingwoman Yes, you unleashed the dogs or or.net yes, he is out logging miles but is still logged in. Must be elite. Thanks snot the women of or.net come together but the leg humpers will scare her off.
  9. I do talk to them... It's my job
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aJUnltwsqs
  11. Going to have to go with Japanese tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UetF9PVKqPM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDVO-adq4P0 Enjoy my strange taste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuPSSyF5UE0
  12. When are you getting your 650 ready to go? We need to go riding again.
  13. Should of bought this helmet. Its cheaper as well. http://geekologie.com/2012/09/bounty-hunting-in-style-boba-fett-themed.php here is your ride. and a jacket as well http://geektyrant.com/news/2012/8/29/boba-fett-and-darth-vader-motorcycle-jackets.html
  14. I plan on riding this Saturday 04/27/13 because the weather is just reported to be cloudy. Anyone is welcome to come. Plan on hitting some of the back roads in New Albany. Its not going to be a fast ride as I don't want anyone crashing from having to ride outside their limits to keep up. Plan on meeting at Iron Pony at 2pm or 3pm. Post up if you want to go riding or just show up. I am not leading the ride so anyone is welcome too. figured we could ride and chat at the pony while waiting for others. Then after the ride get something to eat and then part ways. If you have any routes in mind post it here. I think Shawn mentioned some roads and where to start at. Change of plans. Meet up time is 1pm and leave by 1:30pm. We will be riding down to meet spot for Coshocton ride with Hutch. All are welcome to come. I will be at Iron Pony by 1pm. So far the list of people coming. Nightrider(will be at meet spot in newark) Mr. Jellybean Kmanlyst Jynx AnomersGSXR Blitz---- Ip or meet spot?
  15. lol and now I'm back and with a new ride. I don't see born post anymore. :hailr6:
  16. You said it there. I love Dany she is the best and Dragons ftw. I still don't like Jamie at all but he was turning soft and look what happened. Theon got trolled to the extreme. That was the best type of torture. Bring his hopes and he is soon to be rescued then when he is at his height take it away. The unsullied scene was so awesome I watched it 3 times lol. Dragons ftw and cant wait for them to grow up and start leashing chaos. The nights watch is in chaos and did not see the commander being killed that way. Sam is still a pussy but he is Sam lol. Jon snow must tread lightly. Aria is still a beast and looks like the red whore light woman is gaining more followers. This is starting to be everything I want it to be. I heard the season finale should be excellent but no spoilers just that the shit will hit the fan soon enough. inbox full

  17. Fonzie is never on kawi kid he is on sometimes but does not ride. Yotaman88210 is on somtimes. jagr is on. APCh8r is on
  18. I know and your welcome. I second this motion....
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is It wasn't me..... MJ I was talking about Tyler's(Mr. Jellybean) f4i because he was saying his was better. It was all in fun. Look at the mess you started attention whore. I was surprised as well. Not my intention and I was just wanting to go riding sometime and get to know her. She was helpful and smart and had an r6. Did not know she had a bf. Look at all the r6's in this post. :hailr6: lol... epic Sorry to hear this and this was not my intent to start anything. Dont even know you. But Mr. Jellybean wanted to rat me out. Sooo.... You wanna ride sometime? Oh and Happy Birthday MJ. Your f4i is great but not Tyler's.
  20. lol ikr. Scotch is just afraid of strangers but he loves his family and he is smart. But yeah he is a coward lol. But once he gets to know someone he is the best cat I have owned. Mom still has like 7 kittens in the garage as well. The mom is still alive. I dont live with mom but cats have taken over the house.
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