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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. lol ... Well anyways I never had to do this. My mom just recently turned into a cat person. She has taken care of about 30 kittens right when they were born. Mothers usually get hit by cars or killed by the local coyote. Kittens were eaten in the night by it as well. but sad in all we saved one from the madness. Thats Scotch we raised him day one and he is now 3 years old now. This by in my opinion is the best type of cat. Have been a cat owner for a long time and my current cat is 16 years old. We got her from a breeder as a kitten. Ok cat and mean as hell. But scotch is the best cat. I never rubbed his pooper down or rubed his belly. He is still alive and healthy. He had an eye infection when he was 2 days old and the local na vet gave us medicine. I love my cat and good to see you get one. Take care of it. Rub its butt and tummy.
  2. Mr Anderson


    Nice honda and nice 636
  3. You would love it Mr. Jellybean. Why did you change your name again? It was thanks to me that you got this girl. If my sexy r6 was not there then you would not have had a chance with that ugly f4i.
  4. I doubt the whole concept of out of someone's league. This does not seem to be the case and your missing the point of this thread. I have dated so called out of my league and my friends and several people would give them 10 out of 10s on the ones I dated. Its up to the people and for a first post . It does not really matter to me and Im single and disease free. Move along folks nothing to see here. . Plus you don't even know who I am.
  5. I am done with that and its in the past but Mr. Jellybean posted this thread not me. Terrible wingman....
  6. I want jgetz job. Get to ride all day and play games.
  7. Well I don't stare at the ground and slouch because then that is awkward. I look at them in the face and their eyes. Conversation went good and just forgot to get name and phone. Nothing really wrong with that. If it was meant to happen I will probably see her again. Im not to worried about it. I still like being single and disease free. I have pretty much chosen the single life and have not really tried to hook up. This girl was nice and smart but like I said before if it was meant to happen I will see her again. Its not pathetic its the just the truth. . I like the single path and lots of money to myself and my r6. . . I only get nervous around girls I like and its just because I dont want to say the wrong thing. I am pretty much a gentleman and do all that for women. I think Im nice but no matter how nice you are someone out there hates you. :hailr6:
  8. Are you also wanting to change your name to Mr. There can only be one Mr in here and thats me. jk
  9. I agree what a waste of $1000. I just wear the Shoei x-12 helmet
  10. Thank you Todd and Shawn thats a classic as long as no sees you.
  11. Thanks MJ. You also make me nervous not that women are scary but I just dont know what to say. The conversation was flowing great and then she was gone. I just dont know how to get numbers and being pepper sprayed sounds awful. Nate I was Mr Anderson before firsttimerider changed it. Yes the wingman MR jellybean is also afraid as well. Time for a new wingman.
  12. I just bought this on 03/30 and spent a lot on gear. Its on my list but a new exhaust is more important to me. I plan on getting a seat cowl.
  13. lol Ikr waiting on tyler to post the video.
  14. R.I.P. Randy Roads because he is just great at playing guitar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcoweoZ6jpM
  15. I will for sure we were there yesterday as well. I plan on riding next Saturday for sure pending weather.
  16. Mr Anderson

    New truck

    You missed the parking spot. jk but nice truck.
  17. ikr it was a sad day in my life. Women make me nervous.
  18. Slow group ftw. I will be in this group as I have not been on the routes posted.
  19. I went riding with Tyler(firsttimerider) today. It was a little cold but better than yesterday. Took some photos and it was nice to be out on my motorcycle again. Before the ride At alum creek At Arby's Tyler will also be posting pictures and he took his go pro hd as well. Hopefully he posts it. Did anybody else ride today and lots of motorcycles at Iron Pony at 3:30pm today.
  20. Review. Excellent! Thanks Paul for the quick and fast paint job . I slipped in my garage while backing the r6 and had a scratch on it. Scratch The new paint done by Paul. Sad day and it was embarrassing for me. No damage anywhere else. I was able to catch it but the right side fairing needed new paint. I just back it while I'm off the bike and have no troubles now. Paul did a great job and was my first choice because everyone talks about him on the forums. Thanks again Paul
  21. Not much of a motorcycle guru but I'm pretty sure the r6 is not attached to the oil pan so it should be ok. I have yet to try this. Probably afraid it will break lol.
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