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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Mr Anderson


    Cheech lol
  2. That jacket is nice. Its the same size I wear. I would buy it if it was red/white/black. GLWS
  3. Mr Anderson


    Welcome to or.net
  4. Is this the squid? Anyways welcome to or.net!
  5. Damn just saw that. Sad story and some people are just sick.
  6. Looks like they will be in New York. Do the actually go to Ohio?
  7. Congrats on the new 750. Nice ride.
  8. Just saw this thread. I am free to ride on Friday nights and on the weekends. I have 2012 r6 and I usually ride with mr jellybean, nightrider, dying shadow and more people like kmanlyst and so on. Im in the new albany area.
  9. Yes, I thought this was about picking up girls thread.
  10. It was a great ride and Pokey did a great job. Sorry if I went to slow at times. Still getting used to my r6 and did not know the roads at all. I know one of the blind hill turns made me hit the brakes because I thought I had no idea where it was turning. Mr Jellybean ran over that crap in the road in front of me. Also a bug got in my helmet and that was great. I look at this as a learning experience. I would love to see videos of my ride but not sure who had the go pro. It was great meeting everyone in my group. We did run into a couple groups and a random rider. Also we had that guy in the red truck try to scare and make us crash by crossing the yellow line. Also made my day when I saw that kid run to his mailbox to wave at us. I think its great when people appreciate us riders. I loved seeing all the great motorcycles and thanks for the comments on mine as well. Hope we can have more or group rides like this before the end of the season.
  11. Oh wow. I'm glad to hear Dave is alright. I did not know he went down. Rest up and a speedy recovery.
  12. Thanks Brian for leading our group. Great ride and the weather was just right. Thanks Ninjadoc and everyone who set this up. Look forward to riding with everyone again. Nice meeting new and some people I had not seen in a long time.
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