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Posts posted by fox_racing_guy

  1. The first half of 800 will be quite boring. When traveling south after you pass Dover Dam keep your eye open for RT416 and take that, it will save you about 20 traffic lights going through downtown Dover & New Philly. 416 runs right back into 800 in downtown New Philly.

    The next 10 or 12 miles will be a 4 lane divided highway till you get to Dennison. After Dennison the pavement will be nice but not to many good turns that I can think of.

    Between Freeport and US RT22 the pavement is chip N seal so be careful through here. It's not a very long section though at around 4 miles or so.

    From US22 to I70 there is good pavement with some fun turns. after you cross I70 it's a straight shot into Barnesville. From Barnesville to Woodsfield is probably my favorite section, lots of good turns and elevation changes.

    I haven't been further South on 800 than RT26 this year but I hear they just finished repaving it, if so it should be fun the rest of the way to the river where you will be on the WV boarder not even close to KY.

    Have fun!

  2. I think the officer was just having a bad day and took it out on the "john". That section of Canton is a real shithole and I'm sure the police have to put up with that kind of stuff daily. The building just to the left is a flea bag hotel that john's take the hookers into.

    I worked in that section of town for 17 years and use to arrive to work between 3:30 & 4AM. It was not uncommon to hear gunshots, screaming, loud music or see homes on fire even. One morning I opened the building where our trucks were parked and flipped on the lights. The lighting was those sodium vapor jobs that take a min or 2 to warm up. I walked over to my truck and grabbed my winch bar from behind the drivers seat so I could tighten my straps before leaving. As soon as I closed the door I see a naked guy running at me with a maple 2x4 in his hands. As he swung the 2x4 at me (& missed) I swung my winch bar at him baseball bat style right across the chest and he was down for the count. I pulled out my cell phone and called the police and they were there within 2 min.

    Another time I arrived to work and noticed some flames inside a home across the street. I called 911 first than climbed over our fence to the home to see if anyone was inside. When I got on the porch and looked through the window I could tell there was no way I could make it inside the home. I could hear kids screaming but could not see where they were inside, I just kept screaming at them "break a window, through anything through it" but they never answered. 5 people were killed in that fire, it turns out the gas was shut off so they turned the electric oven on with the door open and they think one of the children through some paper inside of it.

    Those 2 stories I remember the most but I could go on & on about that section of town. Whats that have to do with the officer? Nothing, but if I had to put up with that kind of shit nightly multiple times I would be a edgy as well. I know it's not a excuse for his behavior but everyone has a bad day every so often.

    As soon as the Timken company sends all their jobs overseas Canton is going to be the next Youngstown.

  3. I was curious about this so I tried Fox_Racing_Guy's alternative detour today. I have to say these roads are nice and gnarly and twisty, all in all a highly entertaining little back route but be aware that both roads are a bit dirty and 258 in particular seemed to have gravel in most of the corners. Also, there was a really tricky little dip on 258 that took me by surprise and I felt lucky to keep control. Until the roads are cleaned up I'd avoid it if the group are expecting to keep a quick pace.

    It figures that Fox_Racing_Guy would suggest this - it's probably a bloody riot on a the MX bike!!

    Sorry about that Bill, it's been over a month since I've been on those roads and the last time both were clean. 258 was flooded over during our monsoon spring but the last time I was on it I had no problems.

    Sorry to hear you guys had a rider go down. I hope you heal up soon Kent.

  4. Looks like a fun route. A little detour from point F in Freeport you might want to try is Rt342 to Rt258, it runs right back into 800 in Stillwater. Both 342 & 258 have some nice turns and are lightly traveled. That section of 800 is pretty boring so I usually take the fun way.

    I wish I could join in but I have a MX race at Area330 in Carrollton Sat & Sun.

  5. You could add a flywheel weight (9oz. or so) to take away some of the "hit" and it might be easier for you to ride then. No need to be feathering the clutch on a 250 unless you are coming out of a deep hole or rut, downshift!

    Definitely raise the suspension back up, I bet it handles like shit the way it's pictured.

  6. What kind of repair facility doesn't keep a full range of 7.48 valve shims? I keep all sizes of 7.48 & 9.48 (plus a few Ducati shims) and I'm not a repair shop. For everything you listed it would take me 6 hours + or - 1 hour. Better yet do all that suff yourself so you know it's done correctly, the info is out there you just got to search for it. They should not charge you to adjust your chain, that would go along with R/R the rear tire.

    Here is a nice guide to do your own valve adjustment.


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