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Posts posted by fox_racing_guy

  1. Nice video, reminds me of the same trip I took down there 2 weeks ago. We always stop at that same Sunoco that your video opens with. Your wife has a steady hand holding the camera on the back, nice work! I kept waiting for you to fly around the cruiser bike at the end but I guess that was your father?

  2. Dude, are you serious? Name one series they had their asses handed to them in road racing.

    AMA- Superbike, Super stock, Super Sport, Formula Extreme, 250 GP, Pro twins. Shall I go on? Michelin tried to compete in all of those series and had their ass handed to them in all of them. Maybe you should have went and gave Rossi some pointers on how to make those shit tires work on the M1?

    Should we discuss Michelin's tack record in MX and cars as well? Remember the F1 race at Indy in 05, tell me more about how great Michelin tires are.

    I would not mount Michelin tires on my lawn mower.

    Still like those French Carbone Lorraine brake pads as well?

    I know it's you job to try and promote STT products but I'd rather have a un-biased opinion myself.

  3. Dude is being a jackass, Brian. Don't stress on it. I'm sure he thinks Shinko has some GP sponsorship or something...! :lol:

    As compared to Michelin who has had their ass handed to them in EVERY series they have tried to compete in for the past 10 years?

    I remember less than 10 years ago guys would snicker at you if you had Bridgestones on you bike, not so today.

  4. Cool I'll look for some of you other folks at the races then. I have gone every year since 2004 and they only race here 1 time a year. Canton is a 1/2 mile track so the big bikes haul the mail around there. I will have my 6 year old daughter with me so I'll probably have to keep her in the grandstands (shade) much of the time. A few photo's from last year.




  5. Cool.... Thanx for the info!

    So you don't get blown all over ridin' across the bridge then, ehh? Do they do wind alert advisories for it, like they do the Mackinac, for light vehicles & bikes?

    I've never felt any high winds while riding over that I can ever remember and there are no signs ( except if your thinking about suicide) warning of high winds. Anyone else thinking about the same route I will tell you there are some sketchy sections of WV16 and the last 12 miles of RT800 in Ohio are shitty as well.

    If any of you plan a ride down I'll be happy to go along but I'm not leading next time, 528 miles of showing the way this past ride was enough for me.

  6. Actually.... We like your idea so much, we're talking about stealing your ride for our 4th Anniversary DTC ride in 4 weeks ;)

    Why the ferry? No bridges, or just somethin' cool to do? How much was it, & how long did it take?

    I'm takin' it this guy wasn't with you then ehh? That thing looks totaled


    We take the ferry going into WV just for a little break and it's right where 800 ends at RT7, the ferry boat is $3 to cross the river. On the way back into Ohio we take the bridge from St Marys. The R6 was not with my group. I came around a corner about 40 miles south of the Ohio border and that bike was laying in the middle of the road. I'm thinking man thats weird,, somebody "wadded it" and they hauled him off and left his bike in the middle of the road. We did stop and people started running out of the near by homes and started to attend to the rider who was laying in the ditch. A friend and I dragged the bike and various pieces off the road and I noticed the 30 day tag on the bike. The rider had a helmet on but no other gear. I tried google Sun morning to see if I could find anything about the wreck but came up with zero, he didn't look to good laying in the ditch but I hope the best for the guy.

    BTW.... So did you guys ride across the bridge? Am I missin' the pix of it?

    Are bikes even allowed across it, or are wind gusts too much of a concern at almost 900 feet?

    I'm afraid of heights, so I might get vertigo & ride right over the edge :eek:

    Yes we did cross the bridge, it is a interstate highway and I have a SLR camera so it's kinda hard to use on the bike. It is close to 900' high but you really can't tell while riding over it. I think bridge day is the 3rd weekend of Oct every year where they do close it to traffic and you can walk across it and they B.A.S.E. jump from it.

  7. 57 miles 1 way. I leave for the office at 3:30AM ( many of my customers are overseas and I need to talk to them on the phone) and it's all freeway, the only other traffic is usually drunks & deer. I leave for home at 1:30 PM so it's nice in the summer to go ride or just have plenty of time to kill in the afternoons then. I commute in my 02 Civic that gets 43MPG or 1 of my bikes in the summer so fuel cost are not to bad. I only work Mon-Thur so that helps with keeping the miles reasonable and if it snows heavily I work from home. I love google voice, I use it for my business # so when people call they assume I'm at the office slaving away when I might be at home parked on my ass sipping some Jim Beam & Coke.

  8. The weather is looking great for Sat so we should have a good ride for sure. I will be traveling for work the rest of the week so I may not be able to post any more this week. I will early at Sheetz Sat probably having breakfast at BK or Denny's across the street so I'll see you all then.


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