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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Found it for ya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3h2gLPHz38
  2. Here's the entire episode. @sporttour: Watch this episode, it will explain it all to you. PS: Need you to post up some pics of your old Indian. Pronto, Tonto!
  3. Next on Fox: MILF Hunters gone bad... "... He would often put a gun to his wife's head during fantasy sex play..." Srsly? I've known some, shall we say "adventurous" women in my time, but "pretend to shoot me in the head while we're knockin' boots" has never come up (pun not intended). I know whether or not any of my guns has a round in the chamber. It's not real difficult to check. Try Snap Caps next time?
  4. I saw a couple of H-D's out Thursday, and a Columbus LEO on a 3 wheeler today. I haven't plowed the driveway yet, so until a path is melted...
  5. attempted rep, but must spread the love around first... At OP: Maybe rent a cargo van? Would probably be about the same $$ as buying a trailer and upgrading brakes, plus not sure an Accord towing bikes across the country and back is the best idea.
  6. El Dorado, not one of them faggoty new-wave lookin' pieces of crap. Misspelling was on purpose - always have called 'em that. Not sure why, just have.
  7. I took the "scenic" route to Vance's the other day on the way back from the AMA Museum (my volunteer position orientation session - more on that another day). Basically took Cleveland Ave. from downtown north to Vance's, through some of the not-so-nice areas of town. Found myself stopping nearly a full car length behind the vehicle in front of me, and checking both left and right sides for escape routes, if necessary. I figured that being in the 3/4 ton I would be OK against most of the hoopties (sp?) in tha 'hood, save for the occasional mid-70's Coupe de Ville. Better to be prepared and safe than sorry. Might also have helped that just that morning my Cadillac converter and exhaust pipe separated, making my truck sound extremely loud and obnoxious, so maybe I fit in a little better. Got home, applied a little heat, some judicious hammer work, a couple of clamps, all nice and quiet again...
  8. Sounds more like a thinking cap...
  9. Seems like every Neon is driven as though the driver thinks it's a Viper. While I'm stereotyping, most Subie Foresters have @sshats behind the wheel. With all due respect and present company excluded, of course.
  10. +rep for "community service" post
  11. *edit - it's $70+ at Amazon... $29.99 at Gamestop - there are 3 in Zanesville - maybe one of those has it? Same price at BreastBuy, but none in central Ohio has it in the store.
  12. For the March Supercross? Jr. and I watched the preview yesterday, and he wants to go. Anyone interested in a group mission to Indy in March? $45/ticket for seats in section 339 (according to Ticketmaster's "best available" option). Looks like decent seats.
  13. Right, but if I'm in the DB as a 'bad guy', as long as they only know my name and I don't do bad things while in my car, they can't associate me to a vehicle. It would at least slow "them" up a bit. Guess my tinfoil hat's not on too tight today, as this doesn't really bother me. As long as I'm not doing things that will arouse suspicion or get me on the 'the list' in the first place, I <should> have nothing to worry about, right? Right... Seems to me as though it's no different than having a policeman driving behind you and running your plate, except that plates are being run on a massive scale. It doesn't violate my constitutional right to privacy. Contrast license plate picture taking with the CCTV system in the U.K., and London in particular, which covers a lot (a majority?) of public spaces. Smile, you're on Government TV! Makes the license plate plan seem tame in comparison. In other news, according to a DVR'ed Conspiracy Theory I watched last night, the Pentagon was NOT hit by AA flight 77 on 9/11, it was either a bomb or a missile...
  14. When you're out in public, you really have no expectation of privacy. I am not an attorney, I heard that on Law and Order... If you're worried about being tracked, set up a trust and let that trust own your vehicles. Plates come back, for example, "registered to the ReconRat Trust", not to Tom.
  15. A Goat and a puppy? Crazy Mexicans! Feliz Navidad!
  16. "Chicks cannot hold their smoke, dat's what it is."
  17. "...he changed his name from Ahmadu Dialo to Ahmadu what the cops tell me to do"... Wrong, so very, very wrong on so many counts... :lol: Man, you just can't do one C. Brown and the Peanuts Gang like that...
  18. - S & W M442 J-frame .38 revolver (on order) -- Bianchi 100 IWB holster -- Houge Bantam grip - Kimber Custom II -- couple of Wilson mags -- Smith & Alexander magwell (ordered) -- Techwear diamond g10 grips (ordered) -- Wilson extended mag release (ordered) Bunch of ammo at Wally World today. Nothing quite says Christmas like 30 or so pounds of range food...
  19. Dude in the Superman outfit used his super powers. Duh.
  20. You can answer your door nekkid except for a gun belt and holster, if you want. It's your house. You're a good man, Charlie Brown. What's with people wanting to see your gas bill?!? Why? I could give a rat's @ss what my neighbor's gas (or electric, or <fill in the blank>) bill is...
  21. jblosser

    Google Chrome

    Chrome on Windows = win, with one page excepted (revealty.com central Ohio real estate search). Chrome on Linux, at least right now, for me, = fail. Using 8.0.552.224 for Debian, x64. Just randomly fails to load pages at all that loaded fine a minute ago. Sticking with x64 Iceweasel (open-source Firefox), along with a dedicated profile 32 bit Firefox install (takes me straight to the F5 SSL VPN @ work).
  22. Used to be AMA #1, didn't you? (kidding, find some recent threads and you'll figure it out ) Oh, and by the way, welcome! Since we can't ride much right now, some threads tend to get "interesting"...
  23. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=596120&postcount=1 Didn't look like it was much trouble for him at all; he made it look easy.
  24. Back on topic*: Congrats and here's hoping your business takes off! * aimed at the used tire sub-thread
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