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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. +1 to the ride report request. 270+ HP, 33+ MPG, looks great, what's not to like? Even if it looked like butt, but hauled @ss and returned great fuel economy... Been looking at both the CC and the Sonata. Both very cool designs, definitely NOT a Camry/Accord, with all due respect. My 3 vehicle ('99 A6, 2004 A8L, 2010 S5 Cab) experience with Audi tends to steer me away from VW/Audi, unless you have a warranty. If the warranty's in effect, go for it! Best interior bar none, great car when everything's working. 1 year used, Audi Assured, 100,000 miles, 30+% off new - do it; Hyundai/Kia come with that warranty new. Either they've got faith, or...I'm guessing they know they've built a good car, and stand behind it. White is a great car color, imho. Had a white Cobra, easy to keep it looking great (from 3 feet away). My black truck, black bike, on the other hand...
  2. I'm good with gen3 or hollywood - not sure they'd be into it.... Although I must say my Movember 'stache is coming in pretty nice... Think Tom Selleck, but balding, gray, not as tall, and no Ferrari. Otherwise, pretty much dead-on balls accurate. Todd?!.... I like Todd and all, but 'toddsauce'? I'll leave that to you to retrieve, my friend... Oh yeah, I told Jr. to pick a number between 2 and 77. He picked 50, I asked why, he said "middle", I <hope> because he was watching "The Middle" on tv. Otherwise, math fail.
  3. I considered awarding Tyler the "sure as shit gave it the post whore attempt" award. Still might, if I can figure out something else of value to give away. How 'bout this: Three ORdN members owe me milkshakes (what I usually ask for when giving someone something that has value but that I don't <really> want money for). You like milkshakes? Is the Pope Catholic?...
  4. Jr. picked 50, which is a Coyote post. Coyote, let me know which of our fine sponsors you'd like to patronize, I'll get the gift cert., and we'll meet up somewhere. I have an unannounced (my contest, my rules) 2nd place prize of 2 front row tickets to an OSU Men's Hockey team home game, to be awarded to Hoblick, who gave the best reply, in my opinion, to 'why he's here and why he likes ORdN'. Hoblick, we can work out which game (they're on Fridays and Saturdays) you want to go to. If you don't wanna go, ice hockey's not your thing, that's cool, too. Thanks to everyone that entered!
  5. i remember trying to text a LONG time ago, before every phone had a keyboard - my phone had just the phone number pad. Had to hit 2 twice for a 'b', etc. Young, text-aware friend suggested "use the 'autocorrect' function, it makes it easy". Me: tap, tap, tap, "no", backspace, backspace, tap, tap, tap, "NO, dammit", backspace, backspace, tap, tap, tap, "NO! FUCKSHITPISSMOTHERFSONOFABITCH". (I was kinda mad...) Went back to hitting the numbers multiple times. Bought a phone with a keyboard about two days later.
  6. For the Crackberry: -Remove the flash memory card (if it has one) -Download this file (click), "loader.zip". It's safe, I promise. It's from the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, but only us BES Admins (and 3rd level support at RIM) seem to know about it. -Unzip the loader.zip file to somewhere, e.g. C:\loader.exe -Open a command prompt (Start, Run, cmd, [enter] -At the command prompt type c:\loader.exe /resettofactory [enter] (if you unzipped it to somewhere other than c:\, adjust your typing accordingly... Done. Any policies applied to the device from a BlackBerry Enterprise Server are gone. Regular security wipes don't remove policies. Policies can be enforced to require a password, set the timeout/lock time, disable sms, kill the camera, etc. Assuming you removed the flash card (if there was one), Yes, your data is gone. You could get it back only if you used the BB Desktop Manager (or Web Desktop Manager in a Corporate environment) to make a backup (.ipd) of your device.
  7. I don't need any tire mounting, so if I win, choose another winner. I enjoy the snarkiness, helpfulness, Elliott Ness, interesting people I've met, information learned and shared, and all-around fun that this forum provides...
  8. Amen. Online shopping is the way to do it. Only brick and mortars I visit much any more are Kroger, Half Price Books, and Meijer.
  9. You coulda told Ben that at the beginning and saved him a lot of trouble...
  10. Unless you have tiny hands, would you be able to grip the compact with the 13 rnd mag properly? Seems to me that the grip would be too small, and you'd always be using the extended mag anyway. (I imagine you know this, but..) Your off hand is the one that controls the flip of the gun, and if you're not supporting it properly (due to the short grip), it's going to be tougher than it needs to be to reacquire the target after the first pull... If you bought this at a dealer, maybe they'd take it back on trade?
  11. I swear I've seen that on ORdN before - didn't someone else post this up awhile ago? 300 miles, <$10,000 grand? Seems like a steal for anyone who would be in the market for chopper.
  12. You can wipe a BlackBerry by entering the incorrect password 10 times in a row. Or Options, Password, <menu button>, Security Wipe (Varies from model to model; ones older than the Storm worked that way, Storm and newer have a Security Wipe menu option. Or, just do the wrong pw 10 times.
  13. $2.2 billion, plus another $450 million to a wing of MS? $2.65 billion for a company with (almost) no customers and (almost) no products? Hmmm. I'll sell them the jblosser company, also with no customers/products, for half that...
  14. Can't usually go wrong with Uncle Mike's or DeSantis. Don't have either, though, just know what I've heard. I have a Blade-Tech UCH and CrossBreed SuperTuck in IWB, Blackhawk Serpa OWB for an XD - all 3 are great in their own way. Looking for something for a full-size 5" Sig 1911 that Santa is gonna bring me this coming week... Sorry, not much help...
  15. 4 'major' brands: Linksys, D-Link, Belkin, Netgear Does anything you have that uses wifi have the ability to use the 'N' standard? If not, I wouldn't bother, although most routers made in the past 2 or 3 years are 'N capable', so you may not have a choice. I had a D-Link router and pcmcia laptop adaptor 7 years ago, the router puked after a year. I've had a Linksys WRT54G since, no problems. 95 out of 100 people are gonna tell you that they haven't had any problems with Linksys gear - I'm one of them. Linksys is (or was, maybe they've been spun off) a division of Cisco. IMHO, you shouldn't need to spend more than $50 for a wifi router.
  16. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  17. Still have the "Santa" lie going strong. He's questioned the existence of S. Claus at times, but my lying skills have overcome his doubts. "You actually think Daddy goes out and spends that kind of money? You know how cheap Daddy is..." Whenever a deer wanders onto the grounds of the estate: "Another one of Santa's reindeer is here checking on you..."
  18. I'll see how many replies there are and have my 9 year old choose a number between 2 - the last post, then match that number to the post. IF it turns out it's r6Brent71, Jr. will choose another number... Yes, the "ballot box" could be "stuffed". Matters not to me. Enter once, enter 20 times, no biggie. I figured too many rules would go against the ORdN philosophy, so...
  19. *** UPDATE: Coyote wins, Hoblick a surprise second place finisher *** Another forum I visit has a semi-tradition of people offering a gift for milestone posts, e.g. 500th, 1,000th, etc. Seems to me to be a good idea. This is my 1,000th post. If I've posted 1,000 times on this site, I've read at least 10 times that number of posts. I've met some cool people, enjoyed some good eats, been on some fun rides, learned some things, offered some advice, had a lot of laughs, shared some good times/bad times (a little Zep reference for ya), basically had a great time here... SO, it's time to pay it back. WHO can win: Anyone HOW do I win? Post in this thread. Tell me why you're still here. Post once per day, post a hundred times, I don't care. WHAT you win: $100 gift certificate to any of ORdN's sponsors (or $100 donated in your name to a charity of your choice, e.g. The Human Fund). WHEN the winner will be announced: Wednesday, 24 November, 2100 hours (9 PM e.s.t.). The winner will be randomly selected from all of the replies. WHERE the winner will be announced: In this thread, duh. WHY: Explained above
  20. So, on the one hand you state you're moving to Mac, and have picked out what you're gonna get. Then you appear to maybe/sorta want someone to talk you into it or out of it... I would ask what you're wanting to do with your computer(s), and at what level. You state that you use Freehand, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Freehand is discontinued, but the other 2 are available on either Mac or Windows, so availability of software is not an issue. I'm wondering what "revelation", for lack of a better word, is driving this idea. Is it just an impulse, or...? Both OS's have their good and bad points; they've been debated here and elsewhere ad nauseum so I won't delve into that. I guess I need more information before I can render (pun intended) an opinion or offer much useful advice, other than this: If you're still somewhat on the fence (as it appears), get a year old MacBook Pro for < $1,000, try it out for a week or two or a month. If it seems to be the right way to go, then go get a new(er) one, sell the "trial" machine for what you paid for it. If Mac isn't what you thought it would be, sell it for what you paid for it. It's a win/win, again, pun intended. My underlying tenet: "If it ain't broke, don't break it". My $0.022 worth.
  21. Looking out the window at 270 & 71 on the north end, westbound traffic is backing up nicely, and moving at about 10 mph. On the bright side, our parking lot is full of trucks, which means we're kicking some @ss. Maybe it'll be a green Christmas. *** UPDATE: Westbound traffic moving normally again at 16:30
  22. http://www.dispatch.com/local_news/stories/2010/11/18/1-searchers-fan-out-in-knox-county.html
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