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Posts posted by jblosser

  1. That sounds like a party. I <3 skanks. :D

    Started as an annual event 25-ish years ago, down on Election Road, near Laurelville in Hocking County, on whatever weekend was closest to Valentine's Day. Always seemed to be the coldest damn weekend of the year. Blasting tracer rounds out of the mini 14 over the cars of late arrivals, gallons of Old Grand Dad, falling 8 feet out of the loft onto the stone hearth, catching glove on fire trying to cook a can of beans and franks by holding the can in the fire, those were good times.....

    As we all acquired girlfriends, and those turned into wives, Valentine's Weekend get-aways became verboten.:rulez:

    As wives turned into nags, the "annual" turned into a quarterly event, plus an annual one week trip to Canada (Blind River, Ontario)...:lol:

  2. 06 Gsxr 600 with 1,400 miles being sold for $4,000.

    theres no way its legit for $4000, hes talking to a guy i know talking to about selling it to him for $3000.


    so what do u thinks wrong with it?

    Everyone else has told you the ins/outs of a rebuilt title bike, so I won't rehash.

    This "guy you know", is he a good friend? If so, and you recommend buying the bike, and it turns out badly, he may not be as good of a friend.

    Also, it seems that you previously said your brother, cousin, someone you know works at Cycle Search. Ask that person to go with you and your friend to see the bike, in daylight. Brother/cousin should be able to give you and your friend an informed yes/no/maybe opinion.

    On a side note, did you notice how there's a distinct lack of "JCroz bashing" going on in this thread? Ask a question, listen to the responses, don't argue repeatedly, and people will be helpful. :)

    Most, if not all of us on here have done stupid things at some point in our lives. We're only trying to help you learn from our mistakes when we advise you to do stuff like get insured, get the title, etc. And, you did those things. See? You knew those were the right things to do, it just took a little prodding.

  3. Crash Davis wouldn't happen to have a dog named Charlie would he? If so i'd just hang out with Al and skip the burgers.

    Charlie is my dog. Crash makes awesome burgers, so the one you know can't be the one I know. He also rides a Hardley, so.....

    bwahahah the foxhole!?!?!?! wtf :lol:

    Note I said "wrongly named". When the boys get drunk, they wanna see nekkid skanks. They used to have two good looking girls and 3 passable ones. Last time we went, maybe a year, year and a half ago, they had NO good looking girls, one with really bad implants who looked like she didn't give a shit, one that was about 6 months pregnant (I'm not kidding, sadly), and the others, meh, I don't even remember. We walked after one round of their "dancing". Some drunk ass will want to go - hopefully the rest of us can talk him out of it.

  4. Heading to my place at Apple Valley for the quarterly meeting of the He-man Woman Haters Club. 'Bout 10 of my buds and me, plus Charlie the Wonder Dog.

    Al K. Hall will be there, along with poker, fire (hopefully only outside), Crash Davis' famous one pound wonder burgers, and possibly a trip to the Foxhole (wrongly named) in New Castle....:D

  5. The Conversation, 1974. Gene Hackman's in it, which <almost always> guarantees a good movie. Well, unless it's some John Grisham crap that shouldn't even be a book, let alone a movie, but I digress....

    On a different note, one of the worst movies I've seen is Rasing Cain, starring John Lithgow, Lolita Davidovich, and directed by Brian DePalma. Should be good, right? WRONG. Stay away, even in the 2 for $1 section at the Family Video it's a waste of fiddy cent.

  6. Problem: semi-smart end-user <might> be able to figure out that hitting "e" equals "Word shuts down instantly".

    Solution: Generate a random number, add a call to kernel32's "sleep" function, feed it the random number.

    Result: User won't know what key triggers the shutdown, or even why it's shutting down.

    Caveat: I'm not a VBA programmer. May or may not work. Will try later tonight, after dart league.

    Code to insert before the sub TestKeyBinding:

    Dim Low As Double

    Dim High As Double

    Low = 1001

    High = 200001

    R = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)

    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

    Sub naptime()

    sleep R

    end sub

  7. Seriously ? Since when is 5th ave at lane and high... > > > :nono:

    Dear God. I can't read the title, nor the body of the post, except for the "B-Dubs" part.

    Yes, I am a dumbass. Not sure how I missed it, but I did.

    My apologies to all.

    I <was> serious.

    I do that, I go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by myself, you know and I feel shame, you know. And then I get free.

  8. I PM'd ChevySoldier about PFC Tilton's service, and he advised me that I could post the following:

    I work with a young lady that went to Worthington High School with PFC Tilton, and is very good friends with the Tilton family.

    PFC Tilton arrived home from his tour recently and chose to end his life on Thanksgiving day.

    He was 20 years young.

    The family is asking for donations to be given to The Fisher House in Rockville, MD, to assist soldiers with PTSD.

    I never met PFC Tilton, but I would like to thank him, and all soldiers, for his and their service to our country, and I sincerely hope that all soldiers past, present, and future that need assistance receive it so that no more tragedies like this occur.

    It's tough enough to deal with loss when you're old like me and have dealt with it too many times before - it's almost as tough to see a really good friend of yours try to deal with her loss.

    If anyone can make it out this afternoon or tomorrow noon....

  9. new question....

    What are the must do/see things in New Orleans?

    I can vouch for the Oceana Grill in the French Quarter and The Crazy Lobster down on the river, near Harrah's and the science museum, as great places to get your grub on.

    Was there in May with my 8 year old, so night life/bars did not get investigated....

  10. At this point, we're guessing that malware/adware is probably gone, and we're also guessing that a virus is most likely not present. We're guessing because from afar we can't see the logs, we can't see what's happening, we're relying upon your (SWing'R's) reporting of facts.

    You've run MBAM, CCleaner, installed a new all-in-one AV/FW, updated it, and run it. Things have been found and fixed, yet the machine is still exhibiting the same behaviors as before.

    So, it <may> be hardware (<may> because we're assuming bad stuff that might have been causing issues before is now gone).

    Rebooting randomly could be a heat-issue. The person (Jon?) who said "can of air" was right. Turn the PC off, unplug the power cord from the wall/ups/power strip, then press the power button for 5-10 seconds to discharge any capacitors that may still have a charge in them. Take the front/side/back cover(s) off, take it to the garage, and give it a good cleaning. I know you said it's not an overheating issue, but you don't know that for sure. While the case is open, check the cpu fan with your finger, make sure it spins freely. If you feel <any> resistance, the fan's bad. Install SpeedFan and check the temp. of your cpu. Anything above 60c is not good.

    Assuming it's not getting too warm/hot, memory (as suggested by RRat and others) would be the next place to look. I will +1 on MemTest86. Run it, see what it says. According to somewhere I looked yesterday, your machine can hold 2x1GB sticks of pc3200 RAM (double check, my memory may be faling me (pun sorta intended). New from MicroCenter is approx. $90. You can find it much cheaper at NewEgg.com

    If the memory is OK, we can ask XP to not do us the favor of rebooting after a system error (i.e. Windows is screwed up) occurs. Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance, System, Advanced, Startup and Recovery/Settings, find the box toward the bottom that says "Automatically Restart", and uncheck it. Also make sure that the box that says "Write an event to the system log" is checked - now that you know about the event logs (eventvwr), it'd be nice if Windows put something in there for ya.

    Another possibility is that the power supply is failing. If you added an internal drive (let's say another CD burner, or a DVD burner), and/or some external drives, you might be asking more of the power supply than it's able of doing. Pre-built machines usually don't have any room for growth, peripheral-wise. The supplied power supply is spec'ed for how it came from the factory (and often is barely able to do that).

    Since this is a Celeron D-based machine, that means it's from somewhere between 2004 and 2006 (at least that's when Celeron Ds were made). That was around the time time that seemingly every capacitor made had issues, and you might have one (or more) failing or falied on your machine. While the covers are off (while you're cleaning it, remember?), take a look at the mobo. All of the caps should be round/cylindrical. If you see any that are bulging, well, there's the problem. You <might> be able to talk MicroCenter into a new mobo, maybe not. I know we replaced around 200 or so Dell mobos at work that had the "bad cap" problem. It got to the point where we just called Dell and they sent 'em out, no questions asked. They knew the problem, so did HP, IBM, anyone that made machines during that time period.

    If/once you get it back to where it doesn't misbehave, I would recommend using Acronis (like Norton Ghost) to take a complete image of the machine. If you get infected again, you'll be able to restore from your "clean" image quite quickly, without having to go through all of these steps again. I need to get some stuff done around here, but I'll post an .ISO of a bootable Acronis disk up to my website a little later today.

    Well, I've given you enough to do for now. Report back!

  11. I believe MS abandoned OneCare at the end of June 2009...

    As far as registry cleaners, I've never found one that did anything useful. No harm, just a waste of time.

    CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is a good tool for getting rid of the 'crap' on your machine.

    Backup your important stuff, reinstall. An hour or so worth of work, or you could spend hours chasing whatever's wrong and maybe not fixing it. Just my $0.02 worth.

  12. MBAM is a good starting point to get rid of the bad things.

    HijackThis is for more experienced users - choose the "do a system scan and save a backup" or something like that option.

    As far as seeing what's going on, the Windows Event Viewer (Start, Run "eventvwr", [enter]) will, maybe, show you what process is dying. That's assuming it's a Windows thing and not virus/malware/adware/etc.

    IF you see something in HijackThis that you're unsure whether it should be running or not, Google it. Things that look bad could be some oddball something your network card needs, while innocuous looking entries might be the bad guys.

    You could send your HijackThis log to me if you want, but I'm heading to the OSU hockey game around 6:30 tonight, so either before then or after 10:30...

  13. Disclaimer: I'm not a MySQL admin. I have MS, LPI, VMWare certs, but the only MySQL instance I have in production is my OpenNMS box...

    That being said, an "error 1030" is usually disk space. Might not be where the actual db resides, could be /var/logs running out. My guess is you've checked that - just trying to help.

    I restarted the server.

    #1 tool in Windows Server Admin toolkit, the three finger salute (or the power cables if it's really unhappy)....:p (Yes, I know this is a Linux box, CentOS if the headers aren't lying). Just thought I'd throw that in there.

  14. Even MY dumb-ass figured that one out! Are you related to the people that have the license plater that says JRMII? I really saw that one day, on 23, just south of lewis center, northbound, right before halloween.

    Looks like that plate's registered to a 2000 Mazda station wagon (hatchback?), color not specified, registered out of Delaware County. Someone named Jon, not JRMMIII....

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