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Posts posted by jblosser

  1. Mixed cereal: Grape Nut Flakes first, then either Shredded Wheat (the little ones), Life, Puffs, whatever. Lets the falkes get good and soggy.

    (this is without any left-handed cigarette indulgence....)

    Solo cereal: Froot Loops, Crunchberries, corn flakes

    Cold weather: Maple/brown sugar oatmeal, Wheatena, Co-co Wheats

  2. ....Or info about getting it connected to Groupwise?

    If your company has a BES (Blackberry Enterprise Server) that's the easiest/best way. Ask your help desk/administrator.

    If no BES - Find out if the GroupWise server is exposed to the Internet and has either IMAP or POP3 enabled. If so, that's the "poor man's BES" and will work just fine.

    If the GroupStupid server isn't exposed, maybe you've got GroupWise WebAccess enabled - just visit the site from the CrackBerry.

    If WebAccess ain't there, and you're on GW 7, you could set up a rule to delegate all incoming messages to another e-mail account that you can get to on the Crackberry.

    If... well, never mind, I've given you enough options, one of the above should work...

  3. @Fonzie:

    Your Best Buy experience reminds me of the time 5 or so years ago at MicroCenter:

    I was in the networking section. Guy is asking the MicroCenter serf what the difference is between a switch and a hub - he wanted to do some home networking and both appeared to do what he wanted. MicroCenter serf looks at the two different items for a minute, can't figure it out, finally comes up with "Well, the switch costs more than the hub".

    Well, yes it does.... Reminds of going to Radio Shack: "You've got questions, we've got blank stares."

  4. I'm not Jewish - so I don't understand what possesses seemingly smart individuals to willingly go to a war-torn country where the odds of getting blown up by a homicide bomber are very real.

    I'm not in any way attempting to "dis" your religion, I just don't get it. I can see it if Judaism was originally from Miami Beach (might be, lots of Jewish people down there...). Nice scenery, warm, no incoming missiles.

    I realize Muslims are supposed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime, is there something in the Jewish religion like that also?

    A buddy of mine's mother has been there 4 or 5 times now as a Christian Missionary - according to her, she might as well be selling heroin - she has to do it in secret. They (the Israeli police) are not tolerant of Christians.

    I also realize that what you want to do and where you want to live is none of my business, but you brought it up, so I'm interested.

    (trying to become edumucated, not trying to start religious wars).

  5. Aren't you young, in your early twenties? Looks that way at least, apologies if not...

    Wow, you've become "grumpy old man" quickly...!:D

    Next up: shaking fist at "young punks" going 30mph down the street, yelling at stupid 9 year old thugs playing baseball that dare to venture two feet into your yard to retrieve errant throw, traveling at 47mph on the freeway with the right turn signal on, etc...

    Welcome to the "grumpy old man" club from a young 44 year old!

  6. I've been using 7 since the RC came out. Upgraded work machine from Vista Bus., works fine. Upgraded triple boot lapper (Win 7, Crunchbang (#!) Linux, and Hackintosh) from Vista Ult., works fine.

    IF your computer is working now as you want it to - no major problems - I say leave it alone. The bennies aren't there, IMHO.

    "If it ain't broke, don't break it..."

  7. random quotes heard at work:

    * "everything is a function of time and money" - Chief Technology Architect

    * "no time to do it right initially, but plenty of time do it over" -one of my co-loafers

    * "he isn't stupid, he's just a dumbass" -one manager describing another manager

    * "and they say "How do I in Oracle?", and that's when Colin tunes out"

    * "it's like a flat, hard turd, but it's pretty good" -Colin, describing his energy bars

    * "it smells like ass in here" -co-loafer walking into a meeting. We were on a conference call and the phone wasn't on mute....

    * "licensing is forward compatible" -me, opining on why MS Office 2007 should be free since I bought Office 95

    * "the upstack was having problems" -former admin describing what was wrong with a server. Server ran Linux. Former admin couldn't even spell Linux. He hard powered it off, powered it back up and it was working again. Trying to make it look as though he fixed something. Maybe he meant IP stack, bought he wrote it multiple times in an e-mail.

    * "incompetency breeds management" -smart intern co-loafer, on his way out the door after quitting. His boss didn't offer him a job, that's why he walked.

    * "Vidi, spanki, veni" -me, demonstrating my great knowledge of fractured Latin.

  8. np, I appreciate the civility. End of the day, when the rubber meets the road, flying at 30,000 feet we have to look at big picture, really get down to brass tacks and leverage cross team synergies here. If we don't shave the baby we're never going to be able to win this race, but the best we can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes right? Worse case we go back to the drawing board and hammer this out during lunch.


    We will NEVER have 100% of people happy, true story.


    We'll need to brainstorm some of the key "big rock" items - peel back layers of the onion, bake the plan, get this ready for prime time. As long as we're all rowing the oars the same way we should trend well....

  9. ....I bet they could beat Florida! Arkansas almost did!)

    IF the refs had not gifted Florida with 2 spurious penalties with about 7 mins left in the game - b.s. def. pass interference, then next play a penalty 20 yds from the action (and IT shouldn't have been called), Arkansas wins the game.

    Seems like the refs had to do whatever was needed to get Urb, Tim "the second coming", and the rest of the Gators a win.

    Just sayin'.

  10. Me thinks he wants to flash a router, not set up a firewall on an unused machine.

    Smoothwall <is> a good product for those looking to do such a thing, however, especially if you're not into iptables. This does involve venturing into the realm of Linux. On this board I've been labeled a "zealot" and been told that "Linux is my religion", so I am not afraid of "teh Linux"...:D

  11. I used the Tomato firmware ( http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Tomato_Firmware#Supported_devices ) when I did mine.

    Cranked up the amplifier a bit, much better strength throughout the manor. It's been 2 or so years since I did it, no issues at all. You <probably> won't notice any speed difference unless you get into packeteering ("give my torrents top priority, everything else takes a back seat").

    Chose Tomato as there's only one step, whereas DD-WRT had multiple hoops to jump through.

    Advice: Pick up a supported model at Wally World, flash it, if you brick it - take it back.

  12. On a side note, H-D (ticker: HOG) has been a great stock for me for years.

    Nov. '06 made a high of nearly $74, fell to $10 in February of this year, back above $26 at yesterday's bell.

    Current analyst estimates look like next year will be up quite a bit (2010 $1.34 eps vs. 2009 $0.60), growth estimate 123% vs. 27% for the sector.

    As always, consult your financial advisor before investing blah blah blah....

  13. Before I bought half-a-busa I was considering an 1125 (either R or CR), and the XB12S.

    Farrows North, 5 minutes from my house, didn't have any.

    Went to the Downtown location, wandered around, looked at the 1125R they had there. I musta had my Incredibles Invisi-suit on, as the sales folks just sat at their desk, didn't acknowledge I was there, didn't bother to get off their duff and say "Hi", nothing.

    I could have engaged them in conversation, but just got the "we don't give a damn that you're here" vibe and walked out after 15 minutes.

    No wonder their sales are down. Bad economy, motorcycles are a "want", not a "need", and indifferent sales force = sales way down.

    Too bad, the Buell products stand (stood) on their own against any other brand, imho.


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