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Posts posted by jblosser

  1. How do you guys convince the wife (if you have one) that getting a second bike doesn't make me a greedy selfish bike buying addict?

    I want this. I can afford this. I'm sure I can fix this. She will make my life a living hell if I come home with this even if I am sure I can resell and make money on it in the future.

    Chesterville, Ohio? You gotta have a barn, right?


    Need I say more? Buy it, fix it, ride it, sell it, prof it!

  2. 1967 Austin Healey MK III 3000 roadster - $52500 (Cleveland)

    Date: 2009-11-09, 3:09PM EST

    Reply to: sale-3yewt-1458406912@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

    ONE OWNER CAR. Yes, bought originally in 1967 and the cars is in great shape. Never restored all original metal. The car has 50,000 miles on it. Lots of pictures available so let me know if you want more. 4 cyl 6 speed orginal interior. Owner does not want to sell and has hired me to sell for him, emotional you know. Please email to me any questions comments etc.

    ....mebbe 6 cylinders and 4 speeds?

    ...."owner does not want to sell and has hired me to sell for him, emotional you know"

    I call either bullshit or wife is pissed at husband and it's "bye bye toy time".

    move the decimal point to the left a place or two and the price seems better.

  3. 7200 rpm, 16MB cache, 160GB laptop drive is < $60 (larger/smaller will cost more/less, obviously.)

    Any laptop drive EXCEPT the 640GB drive from Western Digital will (should) fit (the WD is too tall - standard is 9.5mm).

    A SATA/ide to USB adapter (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812156017 $20) will make hooking up the old drive easy to grab all of her "stuff", then get an enclosure and turn the old drive into portable storage...

  4. If your wife's machine is running any edition of Vista, then you can upgrade to 7. If it's running XP (or earlier), a clean install is "required" (there are ways around this, but this is the short answer).

    I upgraded two machines from Vista to 7 without any problems whatsoever. Are they faster? Maybe, but not that I can tell. Prettier? Not so much.

    As I've said before, "if it ain't broke, don't break it", as in "if your wife's machine is fine now, there's no real compelling reason to upgrade it".

    If you want to upgrade to 7, the best way would be to do a clean install on a new hard drive (disk is cheap, 1TB < $100). No risk of lost data.

    My $0.02 worth.

  5. Since you're able to RDP to the server when you're at work, the server itself is not the issue.

    The issue is the ability to get into your network from the outside. If you have a "network guy", (s)he should be able to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for you. This can be done on the router itself or via a firewall appliance (F5, Watchguard, etc.). You may already have said VPN and you just don't know about it - "server guy" who is on vacation would know. "Pseudo IT guy who's busy" should also know.

    A place to start - determine if your server is open to the Internet: (assuming it's Windows):

    - Find your local address: from a command prompt, "ipconfig", note your IP address.

    - Find your public address: from a browser on the server, go to http://whatismyip.com and note your IP addr there.

    If the two match, you're good to go (and probably hacked soon, if not already).

    If they don't, then there's work to do, and it shouldn't be you doing it. No offense intended whatsoever. I do Windows and Linux server administration, run a VMWare vSphere envirionment. I have DBA's to do Oracle system administration and Cisco CCN*'s to do router stuff.

    As Inya said, IF you can get to your workstation from the outside via Logmein, WebEx, GoTo, etc., your mission is accomplished, as you're able to RDP to the server once "inside".

    Could go much deeper, but it sounds like your boss unreasonably asked you to do something way over your head. Just because "you're young and should be able to do this "computer shit" doesn't mean you can. If you dig into it and find you like it, there are always jobs for us nerds, and the pay is pretty decent. Experience and certifications are more important than formal education/degrees.

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