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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Run Simulation in either Solidworks or AutoCAD, whichever you used to design this piece, that'll tell you what you need to know.
  2. When you say 'Issue 5', do you mean 'SB5' ? I only know of 3 statewide issues: 1, 2, and 3. /...not trying to snark, just making sure I've not missed something.
  3. sunspots/solar flares interfered with our satellite uplink. time sync was off. core router issue. transferred fsmo roles. hostd process hung up. moved certain traffic on that segment of the WAN to a different QOS class. As long as we (IT) throw around terms that the end-user doesn't understand we can cover our mistakes (like unplugging a server to plug in the coffee pot) easily.
  4. Ruger SR1911. Made in Amerika. No firing pin block - "Series 70 compatible" change out the 18.5 lb recoil spring for a 16 lb'er (help cycling < 200 gr loads), drop in a Colt mainspring (hammer spring), a little relief on the center tine of the 3 finger spring (git yer trigger pull to about 3.5 lb.), and you'll be all set. My $0.022 worth.
  5. Get mugged. Hunt rats. Observe hippies protesting that they're poor. Walk around without a concealed weapon. Watch Yankees playoff game. Oops, nevermind. Watch Knicks pre-season game. Oops, nevermind. Count the number of Masonic symbols on the Statue of Liberty.
  6. @Casper: It's those meddling kids and their darn texting shortcuts. Us old folk need to get tuned in, I guess.
  7. Why would you carry an unloaded gun?
  8. according to the USPS, my rubber ducky arrives today.... :grin:
  9. In, again. Will make an announcement during our weekly 70 person staff meeting a week prior to start to see if any of my co-loafers will sponsor me. Ben Jr. ???
  10. meetings all afternoon found during quick lunchtime reconnaissance: (2) 2GB 3200 (4) 1GB 2100 (4) 512Mb 2100 can mix/match 32 and 21 - it'll run at 21.
  11. I am retiring a bunch of boxes at work - should be able find some memories for ORdN and bring them to chili fest 11...
  12. Story said "they shot him", so I'm guessing guns...
  13. nope, no guns needed, the cops were there to protect. Jeezsh, don't you hillbillies get it?
  14. ATTN: Gun-totin' hillbillies: Just drove by the joint, did not see it posted as a CPZ. Doesn't mean it's not, just didn't see it. yrmv.
  15. Part of what she wrote (my emphasis): She's talking about "out-of-date technology" and posts up a photo from some Mexican school to back up her claims. Not sure how someone reading her post could not think that's her classroom. I'm fairly certain she meant for the reader to think that's her classroom. Disingenuous at best, outright lying/fraud at worst. Wonder what they did with the $1.46 million they received in Stimulus Money?
  16. then work to change the sentencing guidelines, or (for the offenders) don't do things that are against the law.
  17. No eating = less food to prepare = less food cost and less cafeteria worker wages. Win. (except for the newly laid off workers) Less food eaten = less need to use the toilet = lower water costs. Win. Win - win, sounds like to me.
  18. I came up with this as the filename: tumblr_lj7bflEuN81qanmz3o1_500-449x600-150x150.jpg Same thing, basically. Seems to be all over teh intarwebz, but I ain't be able to find no info about her. Just another woman who'll never experience the greatness that is Johnny...
  19. Where'd you find the picture? That would be a starting point. I found a reference to it at some Italian website, but couldn't get to the actual picture itself.
  20. As long as the boobages are real, don't resemble a tennis ball in a tube sock, and those pointy things on the end work, they're perfect for me - big, medium, small, Ima equal opportunity squeezer.
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