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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. My Facebook page gets a lot of updates from ORdN. They seem to arrive in multiples, but not every new thread - just some.
  2. "ESPN - that 4 letter network" Lee Curse-O (heard on the radio this morning)
  3. Into what part of America's Hat will you be travelling? I have a friend in Blind River, Ont., that could (maybe) loan you something. You'd need to get a "Temporary Borrowing License" if you wanted to be legal. Rifle/shotgun barrel cannot be less than 18", and complete length of rifle/shotgun cannot be less than 26". To transport the weapon, you'll need an "Authorization to Transport" which should be applied for "well in advance" of needing it for your adventure. .454 Casull? Ruger makes a nice 'un.
  4. Amazon, for one. After the last time I locked myself out, I started carrying my extra remote/key in my left pocket, just in case. Haven't locked the keys in the vehicle since, of course. Now, it feels "wrong" if I don't have a set of keys in each front pocket. I may be a knob for doing this, but I'm not a locked-out knob.
  5. Me too, but the price doesn't. Thing's as thick as my LCR .357 revolver.
  6. Crossbreed, Kholster, Comptac, Raven. I have one Crossbreed, two Kholsters. Basically the same, but the K's leather is just a hair thicker. The K is also $20 less than the CB. 8mm Dale has an LC9 with a CB in his shop - if you happen to come down here I'd imagine he'd let you have a look-see.
  7. You can't spell "Penn State" without "State Pen". meh, you gheys done took all the good ones already.
  8. :repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=82526 free repost bump Feeler, for sale, same thing.
  9. The law firm of Smith, Wesson, Lime and Shovel?
  10. $3-400 in pledges from co-loafers. Here's what they're paying for so far:
  11. From the album: misc

  12. I thought it was one of The Ghost's Easter Eggs. I was wrong. It is a nice change. Bump for G3 wanting a vein laden meat pipe .
  13. I noticed the time was again (for now) correct. What do I win?
  14. I can't go now, either. Last-minute scheduled downtime of our ERP system, effectively shuts down all plants for 14 hours, so I have to oversee/do a pile of server moves. I've already paid in full, so if anyone wants it, it's yours. Lemme know. @Chief: If no one claims this, cash the check, as I committed to this a month ago.
  15. Friday, 11/11/11, 12:05 (noon) face off Saturday, 11/12/11, 19:05 (7:05 pm) face off Opponent for both games is Northern Michigan. Front row, on the glass, opposite the benches, in the OSU attacks twice end. Free parking. OSU's on a 3 game winning and shutout streak! Have a meating with the CIO tomorrow afternoon, so can't sneak out to that one, and have to oversee/work all day and most of the evening Saturday, so can't go to that one. I'll be at dart league tonight (Morse/High) for easy ticket pick-up.
  16. 5 years of probation for the father/shooter. Seems OK to me, though 0 years would've been more better. Not gonna lie, I'd do the same thing. Nothing in the world more important to me than my boy. Although I would probably wait until he was found guilty unless the evidence was overwhelming.
  17. I agree, it's not Joe Pa's fault that his boss is/was a delta-bravo. His boss is also now out of a job. If Joe Pa had done something just beyond reporting it to his boss in 1998, that something might have prevented the *alleged* multiple cases of abuse that occurred later. It's one thing to 'follow orders', i.e. report it to your superiors and leave it at that. It's quite another when you know for a fact that nothing has been done to stop the abuse from happening, and yet you do nothing. Listen, I thought as highly of Coach Paterno until all of this came to light as anyone did - he won, consistently, and did it the "right way". How one can stand by and allow things like this to happen is just beyond my comprehension.
  18. According to the New York Times, Joe Pa will be gone "soon, perhaps within days or weeks". It's too bad that a man I thought to be as good, coaching-wise and "doing things the right way-wise" as could be found has to have his career end this way, but the following excerpt from the same story in The Times succintly sums it up (my own emphasis added): Not just one time, but multiple times.
  19. An incident involving the coach (Sandusky) and a male minor was reported in 1998. Circumstances were similar ("...incidents with children in football building showers...") to the ones reported over the weekend that occurred in 2002 and 2009. This incident was "investigated" by the University Police. Joe Pa "...felt it was time to make a coaching change..." in 1999. Coincidence? I doubt it. According to this Grand Jury report, the university's President knew of the 1998 and 2002 allegations, and it looks as though he did next to nothing, aside from notifying the executive director of the football camp (a.k.a. hunting grounds for Sandusky). The graduate assistant who witnessed an incident in 2002 is the wide receivers coach and recruiting coordinator at Penn State. The A.D. and an S.V.P. at Penn State have already been fired, er, "resigned" and "been placed on leave". The President needs to go. Joe Pa *should* have done more, could have done more. As a man, as a father, as a Christian, as a human, he should have done more. He should have called the State Police. He should have done *something* more than just sending it up the chain of command, where it seemingly was ignored/covered up. As a father of a 10 year old football player (same age as one of the 2002 vicitims), I know for a fact that I'd be sitting in city/county lockup right now, as the D.A. would be considering whether or not to file charges against me on a count of manslaughter. Sh*t like this, when the victims are children and the adults who are supposed to protect them do next to nothing, really, really, REALLY angers me. </rant>
  20. Gimme 5 minutes until the bong hit kicks in and then mebbe this'll make sense...
  21. On the trophy it says "2nd place champion". ? Is this like kid's soccer, where everyone gets a trophy? Congrats on either being second place or the champion (or evidently both)!
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