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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Kind of ironic the website is "practical fishkeeping"... Fish aren't my thing, but still a pretty interesting read.
  2. My Offspring wasn't with me Wednesday evening - whole lotta fail in the data center and I've been working like Bad324 during harvest season.... He (Jr./Offspring) picked 20 and 15, so shady and Rotten Connie are the winnars. PMs will be sent soon, no later than tonight after h.s. playoff game, round 1 - maybe b4 5 if I can get all these timesheets approved...if these dumb f*ckers would turn 'em in on time...
  3. If you're in Central Ohio, Blackwing's about an hour and 40 minutes closer, assuming you're speaking of The Marksman Range in Norton, OH... Blackwing's a very nice facility, although it can be busy at times. Get there early, as in opening time (or during the OSU game) and you should be good.
  4. Q. Whaddya get when you cross Bad and an Octopus? A. I don't know either, but he sure as hell can pick tomatoes...
  5. ...and "DJ" = ???? ??????
  6. :plus1: COTA park and ride. An 8 year old will love the bus.
  7. On-campus and near-campus: Adriatico's Tommy's Hound Dog's Off-campus: Iacono's (same family as Tommy's), Kenny/Henderson Pizza House, Sinclair Road, North Columbus Rotollo's, in Grandview Panzera's, in Grandview
  8. Growing up in the country, you should have seen plenty of/all cattle asleep on their sides... However, if you mean "cow tipping" in the same vein as "snipe hunting", and do it with country girls, then nvm... Of course, there really is a "snipe" species of bird, so I guess you really could go "snipe hunting". NVM, I'm all corn-fused now. Put another way: "Just 'cause I'm on a diet, it doesn't meant I can't look at the menu"
  9. Was taught by an attorney/national NRA Board Member, $100 (iirc). Since he wrote or helped write most of Ohio's CHL laws, he knows of what he speaks. Used an XD9, Service model. You could use a revolver, but you'd be reloading an awful lot. Not a deal breaker in my book.
  10. nothing on the Westboro site about it. Patriot Guard shows a staging for the funeral at Miller Funeral Home on Main Street, 1400 hours.
  11. 7 hours until winner announcement bump. Due to the underwhelming response, your odds of winning are pretty good (assuming you post something in this thread).
  12. They (Gander East) lost T-Butt's 870 for a month. Turned him into a Mossberg Man.
  13. Wait 'til she pees and head upstream.
  14. It'd be like a ride at the Wet 'n' Wild.
  15. Fat, stubby fingers IN the trigger guard. Maybe when I get my mall-ninja certification I can stop indexing on the slide...
  16. I'm going to look a lot like a guy sitting on my front porch handing out candy to neighborhood leeches.
  17. Me too, 'cause I liked Ford and their vehicles. I also like what they're putting out now, but when a company treats me like they did, they aren't getting my business - plenty of other companies out there that make cars and trucks.
  18. That tractor has an open differential. If your driveway is flat, a blade will be fine. If your driveway has any slope at all, that tractor, trying to push snow, is just going to spin the tires when there's any load on it at all. Been there, done that. Bought a Simplicity 30", works like a champ.
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