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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Used to be a "Ford Guy", had a '95 Cobra. F*ck Ford - they treated me like shit, eff 'em. That is all.
  2. $299.99 w/2 mags @ CDNN
  3. Waiting on Chebby to chime in on all that is M&P goodness in 3,,,2,,,1,,, Nuthin' wrong with S/A, Glock, S&W, Ruger, Sig, or Kimber in my book.
  4. Network guy says QOS not it, that's just all the faster we have. This morning's results from non-proxied connection:
  5. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  6. Good for you! We "rent to own" folks all the time, it's cheaper than hiring the wrong person. If you like the place (not necessarily the job itself, but the people), work hard (ok, work hard anyway), people are watching and if there's an opening after your contract is up, and you "fit in" with the people/culture, chances are there will be an offer coming.
  7. Since you have a Sig, maybe a P290? Until that horrible smelting incident, I had a Ruger LCR (wheelgun) in .357, very easy to front pocket carry. Dale (8mmDale) has a like-new Ruger LC9 with a Crossbreed IWB in his shop for $340. Many of us have dealt with him, and I've yet to hear anything bad about the man... He's good people.
  8. *** UPDATE: Winner is post #20, shadyone, runner-up is post #15, Rotten Connie. Did this about a year ago when i hit 1,000 posts - took 17 months to get to 1,000. Took 11 months to get another 1,000 - what's that say about my (lack of a) life? Never really bought into the whole "karma" thing; sounded too much like hippies smoking the hippy lettuce, but on the way home this past winter I saw a car off the side of a driveway and two older ladies (mother/daughter, 70's/50's) standing there in the snow. I stopped, asked if they needed help - they did. Went home (about a mile up the road), grabbed a tow strap, went back, hooked up, pulled her back onto the driveway. They tried to give me $20 - I declined, since I didn't really need it and it really wasn't a big deal. It was maybe an extra 10 minutes of my life. I went back home, checked the mailbox, there's a letter from a credit union. Mom had some annuity that the Estate Attorney somehow missed, and short story long, I inherited a sizeable amount (Mom and Dad's estate originally had everything going to charity, so I got nothing - not that I wanted/needed/deserved anything). This was almost 4 years to the day after my Mom's passing. So: Maybe there is karma. WHO can win: Anyone HOW do I win? Post in this thread. Share a story of karma, if you have one. Post once per day, post a hundred times, I don't care. WHAT you win: ..1st place: $100 gift certificate to any of ORdN's sponsors (or $100 donated in your name to a charity of your choice, e.g. The Human Fund). ..2nd place: (if you bother to respond to my PM, unlike Hoblick last year...) A pair of tickets to an OSU Hockey or Basketball game. WHEN the winner will be announced: Wednesday, 2 November, 2100 hours (9 PM e.s.t.). The winner will be randomly selected from all of the replies. WHERE the winner will be announced: In this thread, duh. WHY: Explained above
  9. Miscellaneous requests: :rimshot:, for when someone makes a funny: :ORnotAFF:, for when Gen3 gets frisky:
  10. Tempting. don't really <need> another small gun, the LCR fits that category nicely. But, I always just sorta wanted one. Or a P290. Was going to buy another old trumpet (in case there are any brass geeks: early '50's Olds Super, one of the L.A. horns, great lead horn, plays great, compression's good), strip it to the raw brass, and then either leave it raw or refinish it. Meh, what's another $300 and something? Can't take it with me. Might as well spur the economy onwards and upwards...
  11. That sun in the second pic above may or may not have had something to do with it. Gotta pay attention, folks. R.I.P.
  12. :werd: Also: ffmpeg, Qtractor, Sweep, and Traverso DAW. Propellerhead is 'name your own price' through the end of this month... 30 day trial of Ableton is available at their site. Consider Linux and the free (as in beer) alternatives offered above.
  13. Today's free app: OfficeSuite Pro, normally $14.99 Works on 'Droid phones and tablets
  14. jblosser

    Honda CR-V

    If that was from start to finish, that'd be an awful good reason to get one..
  15. Was I bein' a bitch? I was attempting to answer in a non-bitchy, non-preachy, logical way. Guess I need to work on my delivery, or get back to deleting VM snapshots so I can see how much disk I really have available... Probably should concentrate on the script I wrote so I don't kill the entire Production environment. That'd be a bad thing.
  16. Does "reductio ad absurdum" ring any bells for ya? How about "sarcasm" ? Read/watch the news much? Homes in "nice" neighborhoods (Upper Arlington comes to mind) are being "home invaded". "Nice places" such as Easton are being shot up by wanna-be's. As I've stated in other threads, I never could fight hand-to-hand, and due to my recent nerve/disc/back injury I can't run away very well (actually, can't run at all), so IF something were to happen I'd like to be able to defend myself and my 10 year old. Do I <think> something untoward is going to happen to me? No. Do I want to live with guilt the rest of my life knowing I <could> have possibly had a different outcome if I had been using any/all means available by law to protect myself and those with me should something happen? No. If I golfed, and if I were in the middle of a round, and if a thunderstorm rolled in, would I be likely to get hit by lightning? Probably not. Would I get off the course, just in case? Yes. You protect (or don't) yourself the way you see fit to, and I'll protect myself the way I see fit to. Oh, and the post is titled "Why Carry a Gun" because people that carry are often asked why they carry, and are often met with comments/assumptions that the post attempts to refute. It's interesting that you claim to be pro-gun, yet seem to <almost> be anti-carry, at least to the point where you think it's silly/stupid to carry. Not really sure I'm understanding that p.o.v., but again, to each his own. I'm not trying to say that anyone should think like me, that'd be just a bit presumptuous on my part, just found an interesting (to me) post on another site and tossed it up here. At least it's made for some discussion, which was my intention.
  17. jblosser

    Honda CR-V

  18. I know, but still - commit felony b&e for a dog? Go to the f*cking pound and get your own damn dog. I can see it's going to be one of <those> days today. Anyone needs shit from me will be told "sod off, ya wanker"... Unless the person asking is female and she's cute and or/easy... ...and I think Gen's ex-roomie was a "he", not "she".
  19. Really? Who the hell breaks in just to steal a dog, no matter how 'awesome' it might be?
  20. I am very careful when I ride, thus I don't need my helmet, or gloves, or jacket, or boots. I am also very careful when I drive, and so I don't need my seatbelt or any of those stupid airbags. I only drive/ride where other motorists are paying attention and are mindful of the traffic laws.
  21. This dialectic is getting hectic.
  22. Maybe it's a metaphor...
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