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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I created an account, posted a comment. "0 comments". "The OEA retains the right to edit all comments...." Figures. She's stating SB5 will hurt schools, "...no more field trips, no more new books..." Bullshit, teach, the majority of monies for schools comes unconstitutionally (9+ years ago) from property taxes.
  2. Good luck! Looks to be about the same size as Columbus, and a nicer (read Warmer) winter climate. Don't know nuthin' about the city, so can't really help. Sorry.
  3. Makes no sense to me - certainly going to take less space than an Expedition... Searched the CMH airport site, could find nothing about restrictions, nothing about motorcycles, period. They do, however, offer free bicycle parking for all passengers... Who the hell rides their bicycle to the airport? International Gateway Drive, or whatever that road is named, is like the front straight at Indy. A bicyclist would get runned (sic) over...
  4. dang peanut butter rule...
  5. Both of you are correct. In 1964 (first year for the 442 option package), "442" stood for 4bbl, 4 speed, dual exhaust. The car had a 330 cubic inch engine. In 1965, "442" stood for 400 cu. in. engine, 4bbl, and duals. The 400 cu. in. engine stayed on through 1969, when it was joined by an optional 350 cubic inch engine (the "W-31" option). In 1970 the 455 cu. in. engine became standard, with the 350 still an option in either the W-31 or Rallye packages. From 1968 - 71, the 442 was a separate model instead of an option package. It became an option again in 1972. More information than anyone wanted, but thought I'd help out. Many thanks to my bud Steve Hunkins, Past President, Central Ohio Chapter of the Olds Club of America, and owner/restorer of many fine Oldsmobiles and other GM muscle cars. *** free bump ***
  6. 5 McDoubles? That's just warmin' up, son. I always seem to get clean-up duty when we're grilling for lotsa folk. Couple of cheesburgers, couple of brats, couple hot dogs, some chicken, then visit the turlet with the sports section... I have either an empty leg or a tapeworm - not sure which.
  7. not sure i understand all the bickering - Apple people loves them some Apple stuff, and will buy anything that comes from Cupertino. Usually costs more, usually works well, usually physically designed well, software is intuitive (read: easy to use). What's wrong with that? I will bet Casper's new found $20 that ANY company would love to have customers like that. I use Jr.'s iPad2 on occasion. It works. It's not $200 better than my 'droid tablet, though, not by a long shot.
  8. you best be dual bootin' or else...
  9. ...i want the one with bigger gb's
  10. ...just make sure that once the company is paying for it that they don't "own" your number. When we used to pay for phones here at work we owned the number, and if you left, tough - you have to get a new number.
  11. Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make hacking...so much fun! Nice to expand upon the switchblade concept. I haven't bothered with mine for awhile, but I think I know what I'm going to be doing in a couple of days when mine shows up...
  12. + rep btw, I drive an Audi on occasion, am white, but don't wear glasses, sure as hell don't carry a handbag, my boots have round steel toes, I'll play you for $20, and if it wouldn't get my very extremely super pretty bartender in trouble I'd fire up a smoke right at the table...
  13. I hit a button, wait for the P2V process to work. I've got 5 going as we speak. So, downtime between start/finish. It's either ORdN or solitaire... BTW, in "hillbilly it's "dag-nub-it", not 'danget"... Git with the program, city-slicker.
  14. How 'bout "no Jews allowed" then? That make the analogy work for you? You surely got the intent of the analogy - that some people are standing behind their principles and not frequenting places that do not allow entry to a subset of the population.
  15. Not afraid, it's the principle of it. Same as the race thing. Back to work for realz now...
  16. Keep poking, get shot by irate gun-toting paranoid right-wing extremist... Kidding, of course. Mebbe we can agree to disagree - I have to get back to working, lunch is over, dammitall.
  17. I said I *thought* you were trolling, until you continued on in the same vein and I realized you weren't. I mis-read that post - I thought you had one at home. My mistake. Like I said, poor analogy. At least you don't think you're invincible on the track, and even if the rules weren't in place you'd still wear gear. You're not invincible out in public, either. You stated (unless i'm getting confused in my Alzheimer's-riddled cranium) that it's happened to someone you know. I sure as heck don't ever want to need to use a weapon, and I don't normally frequent areas of town where I feel unsafe, but stuff happens everywhere. Again, to each his won. That's what I took your post to mean - "no one has a gun" to me means, umm, no guns will ever come in, good guys or bad. As to "the race / ccw" analogy that someone posted up: If their father/grandfather refused to go into a white's only place due to their belief that they should allow anyone in - that blacks (to use the term of those times) were OK people - maybe those of us that won't frequent no-gun places are standing on our principles - that we are just as good of folk as those that don't carry.
  18. Nope, feelings aren't covered in A1, nor anywhere in the Constitution...
  19. @Dubguy - if you don't need a gun when out and about, why do you need one at home? Houses in Uppity Arlington have recently (past week or two) have been home-invaded, and Arlington's 'nicer' (for the most part) than Dublin. If posting an establishment will ensure that no guns ever come in (your words, paraphrased), why not post your house on the front door? Poor analogy, sort of: Do you wear gear when at the track? Why? You *might* wreck. Well, you *might* get accosted when out, and *might* be in a life/death situation. To each his own. I still don't understand having a weapon at home (where one would normally feel 'safe'), but not when out, where you have a lot less control of your environment. If you had no weapons (just didn't, or didn't like them), I would understand. I thought you were trolling...
  20. No more going to B-Dubs. Too bad, Jr. (and I) love it. I guess places that post will tolerate people getting drunk and all the fun that comes with that (fights, vomit, DUI, bad sexual partner choices, etc.), but law-abiding citizens who won't drink and get stupid are not welcome. UDF un-posted sometime in July - very nice, since those stores are more likely to get robbed.
  21. I know you don't wanna do Columbus (CPD), but it looks like the fall Civil Service test opens up 7 October, runs through 28 October. Can't hurt to take the test - probably have to for sheriff, local popo anyway (don't know, guessing). I think vets get extra credit. Link to Columbus Police "recruiting events" page (click) PS: If you do hire on at CPD, be advised you'll need to put on at least a hundred pounds or so.... With all due respect to FZRMatt...
  22. This site's annoying - needs some WoW dewds to work their magic on it. Look them up, I think young Greg Brady (at least that's who his avatar looked like) can point you in the right direction. Please to fix this before working on Facebook bridge. kthxbai.
  23. If our Creator had intended for that activity to be bad, (s)he wouldn't have made our arms long enough to reach...
  24. Facebook's a fad - I wouldn't spend too much time trying to fix it...
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