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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Ever received a targeted ad? You're already being tracked, whether you like it or not. Your Gmail is scanned/read and ads delivered, if you've ever hit Google up for help, if you've ever browsed Amazon, basically if you've surfed, you're being tracked. Unless you don't want to use teh intarwebz ever again, you'll have to deal with it. Tin foil won't help. BTW, most browsers these days already try to do some sort of prefetching - Silk is just sending a pre-rendered, compresed Arm-specific package that the processor can uncompress and show to you a lot faster than if it had to deal with Java, CSS, HTML5, etc., and pull those files from all over the Web. this is important on a tablet (or phone) because these ultra-low power processors are ultra-low power (and thus battery saving) don't have near the processing power that desktop procs do. As an anti-tinfoil measure, your (Kindle) browsing requests will hit websites from Amazon's cloud, not your machine, effectively NAT'ing you. Guess it boils down to whether or not you trust Amazon. If you already shop through them, then...
  2. - There's <supposed> to be an update to v7 of the BlackBerry OS that will implement the promised "Mobile Hotspot" features promised a while ago by RIM. This, of course, will depend upon your mobile carrier thinking it's a good thing and passing along this ability to you... good luck with that. Also, I'm unsure whether the Curve will be supported - I'd imagine it would be, but haven't searched the BTSC Knowledgebase at RIM yet. I'll get on that in my free time... - In the meantime, you can try "Tether Bridge" from the App World - free to try for 30 days, and if it does what you want it to do it's $20. - You could always sign up for the $15 -$45 per month tethering plan your carrier offers. - There's also a cellular modem option for the lapper itself, but those plans ain't be cheap. - Option 5: Leech wi-fi from a neighbor. Assuming we're talking about that lapper I set up for you a couple of years back, I <think> it has Intel wireless in it, which you should be able to place into promiscuous mode and start collecting data. Alternately, borrow Amazon's EC2 cloud (Google it) - massively parallel power on the cheap...
  3. That was from the Delaware County (Ohio) Fair two years ago. If you're like me and like most any kind of racing, I suggest you go. You'll see everything from dudes with Carhartts and overalls to Michael Schumacher wanna-be's in full leathers. Some of these billies have no idea what they're doing, which makes for some interesting happenings on-track. 'Tis a hoot. Jr. and I try to make it out each year, but football practice interfered with the entire motorsports agenda at the fair this year. Doesn't rank quite as high on the "yee-haw" meter as "figure 8 dirt track school bus racing", but it's up there. I imagine if one had an adult beverage or two before watching it would be even more enjoyable.
  4. Anyone else with a loud and/or diesel smoke-emitting pickup wanna go? OhioLoudSmokingPickups.net (OLSPdN) is organizing a counter-protest... ***edit: no motorcycle sites were harmed in the organizing of this protest... "Power Strokin' is nice, but I'd rather be Cummins..."
  5. My 3/4 ton with the Aeroturbine exhaust can easily drown out 10 H-D's with straight pipes, and doesn't look anything like a bike, though...
  6. I have to agree with conn-e on this one - if they are picketing a soldier's funeral, I'm there and am obstructing their protest as much as I can, but if they're just flapping their gums... Any idea what they might be protesting at OSU? Are they there to continue their "God hates fags" and "God hates soldiers" rants? I believe in the Constitution and the right it gives them to spew their hatred - UNLESS it's at a soldier's funeral, in which case they need to stfu, gtfo, and go home. Can't scream "fire" in a crowded theater, shouldn't be able to interrupt funerals, imho.
  7. - You can park in one of the West Campus lots and take a free shuttle bus over to the stadium. Might even get driven by just2slow or gen3... - As stated earlier, do not miss the ramp entrance of TBDBITL. - Wear scarlet and gray (duh) - If you arrive early enough, check out the band's skull session (warm up, run through halftime show, play the usual favorites). Used to be in St. John, but I think it may have moved? 10,000+ is normal attendance. - If you're there early enough and/or like crowd/mob scenes, wander Lane Avenue, attempt to get in the Varsity Club, visit Hiney Gate (it has a new name now, but it's in front of the former Holiday Inn) - large outdoor drunk fest, co-eds' tops seem to defy gravity and move upward at some point during the festivities...
  8. Seems to me like you've researched the crap outta the F2 build - you didn't just pull those upgrades off the top of your head. I'm guessing your mind's already made up (rebuild), so go for it. I, personally, wouldn't drop that much coin into an almost 19 year old bike, but that's just me. If I had budgeted $15 large and just <had> to spend it, maybe use $2.5 of it to restore the F2 (rebuild engine, paint, plastics), $10K to an untitled one or two model year old bike, and $2.5K into savings for a rainy day fund.
  9. "I can drink you pretty, but I can't drink you thin" ...when said to overweight womenz...your results may vary...
  10. "Does this smell like chlorof...?" <whoomp, fall on floor>
  11. Guns are dangerous and scary, only police and military should have them.
  12. Oh, and Kleenex, when used for purposes of catching un-realized potential children, is properly referred to as "Spankerchiefs", or colloquially "Spankies"...
  13. Space sexting? "Approaching the moon" "Adam Astronaut "likes this"" I thought Barry S. killed the space program?
  14. So, would an armored truck be a "commercial vehicle"? Those guys are carrying weapons. According to my brief Interwebz search at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Rules and Regs site, it looks like there's nothing prohibiting you from carrying a firearm, provided the state you're in at the time has reciprocity with Ohio (assuming you're licensed in Ohio, and the state you're in requires licensing). As stated twice already, I'd consult an attorney who's well-versed in this area of the law. According to Ohio's regs, you're required to notify the Motor Carrier guys if they stop you.
  15. "coup de grace" came up at work, so I had to fire up some Steely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43wN23qvlbU
  16. No kickstand = bike fall down = "sorry, can't help".
  17. New Monopoly game @ Amazon = $20 New Monopoly game has $20,580 inside. Potential profit at UDF or 7/11 = $20,560.
  18. jblosser

    Deer Season

    Join the club... Ask for more 'roids, those are what do the trick, with vicodin to take the edge off. Flexaril ( muscle relaxer) didn't help me at all.
  19. Death occurs - quickly, painlessly, and with a quite a mess left on the road.
  20. Simple answer: Wireshark is the renamed Ethereal project. Read the FAQ at Wireshark if you care to learn more. Too tired after scheduled 1 hour "drink the Kool-Aid" session that went almost 2 hours. Grrrrr.
  21. I'll stick with padded stock. ...First time in 300+ days their "deal" hasn't been Caldwell target stickers, electronic ear-muffs, or Caldwell shooting sticks... It's turned into the Odd Lots of the shooting world. Same crap all the time. </rant>
  22. "...ODB3 has wireless..." /searching Google for Wireshark ODB3 plug-in/
  23. No blue button in my 14 y/o Olds, my Dodge Truck, nor the Audi. :nospy:
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