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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Made it to 59 seconds, right before the "lady in red" chorus - that would have caused me terror when accompanied by video of a fruit in a vest paddling a fuckin' canoe. Like that's difficult? At least in synchronized swimming (first other non-sport that popped into my head) there's a chance you might see boobage slippage.
  2. ^^ ninja edit fail...qft ftw...
  3. Fixed link (click) Thank you, Counselor!
  4. Inya's post #112 is a dead-on balls accurate analogy. Well done, sir. +rep sent. @Chris: The need to report infractions was in theVest's contract. Shoulda been fired 2 months ago.
  5. ^^ "infection", or "infraction" ? See 2$ ho for infections...
  6. "..somalimart..." ** no offense meant, of course..
  7. Mainframe's gone! Yup, everything else that was in there is still in there. The entire rest of the building was remodeled and is full of Sales, Purchasing, and other folks. The "new" corporate building has a small data center and is where our DR is for now, until we figure out where to put it (somewhere further away than 2 miles would be good). We're going to either build a new data center in the building I work in, remodel the one in "the old building", or we've entertained thoughts of renting space from that outfit over on Scherers Court, that tier 4 data center, but it would almost cost as much as building our own.
  8. Got an alert Saturday night/Sunday morning at 12:29 - the data center at work was throwing "temperature alerts". Ride from the cabin at Apple Valley to the north side of C-Bus. Both air conditioning units had failed, temp in the d.c. was at 102.2 F. Lotsa servers and one of the SANs weren't happy. Opened doors, cranked up fans, removed ceiling tiles, tried to cool things down while the HVAC guy did his thing. Got home around 6AM with all production servers up and semi-happy. Temp in the d.c. this morning is a nice 60 F, and everything's back up. No data lost, which is a good thing... Cut the weekend short, but meh, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  9. You have to get a good base burn before you can get that really deep red, blistery burn.
  10. something i've (sorta) learned: wear sunscreen, ya big dummy!
  11. Cleveland Avenue and County Line, just south of where Cleveland ends at Polaris. Across from the giant Westerville Rec. Center.
  12. Was hooked from the first trick - front flip. Especially liked the front wheel ride & turn/stoppie/thingy/whatever it's called @2:20~ and again @ 4:25~ Kinda like trials, but with peddling. **edit: evidently there is a sub-category of bicycling: trials. Who knew? not me. Looks like something I could have done (well, tried to) in my teens, early twenties. Always wanted to try trials. Anyone have a trials bike (not bicycle) I can try? (semi-serious).
  13. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have done this for years.
  14. Well, he finally "did the right thing". Too bad the football program, and the University in general now have this big, ugly stain of "cheater" on them. The stain will fade, somewhat, but look at FSU, USC, and others that have been caught with major violations - they are still thought of as cheaters, even though they may have been 'clean' for a while. Be prepared for a couple of down years as the football program sorts itself out. Luke Fickell will be a good head coach, imho. Local boy (DeSales), OSU starter, longtime assistant. Too bad that a "name" coach (Urban Meyer, as previously mentioned) will probably get million$ of dollars lavished upon him to take over. If only AD Gene Smith had been let go, I could be completely good. Something still stinks down on campus, and it's not the Olentangy (although it stinks, too). Meh, hopefully the yard has dried out enough. Time to fire up the tractor and get some mowing done. On a side note, I rode up to the cabin at Apple Valley yesterday. Everyone, even H-D riders (which was nearly everyone) waved. Maybe it's the 3 day weekend and everyone's in a good mood?
  15. Tom's squid video reminds me why I've never tried to whoolie or stoppie.
  16. jblosser


    Advanced Auto parts carries it. * edit: closest to OSU: 3150 N. High, between Weber and E. North Broadway
  17. tonight, anytime after 1800~ish tomorrow, between 0800 - 1000 or 1400 until whenever.
  18. 24' fiberglass, located in Galena, if you're interested. Could meat you at Polaris. St. Pauli Girl N.A., por favor.
  19. Google says 'TMA' = Teamsters Motorycle Association Welcome!
  20. Me and mine, too. Would've +rep but must spread it around. @whiteghost: You want to know what supporter perks we want? Moar rep abilities (or less restrictions, either the case). Oh, and hookers/blow, natch.
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