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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Really? I (and many others) posted nothing slamming you whatsoever. Some did, many didn't. I will admit that I thought about it, but decided to take the high road and try to provide some positive/constructive ideas for you. As far as people on here not being able to afford the dog? Unlike you, they actually DO own a home, they don't just live in one that their mommy and daddy bought for them. Some of them may have more than one home, paid in full, and actually have enough bank that they don't need to work another day in their life. You know what? Most adults don't feel the need to brag about what they have, be it cars, bikes, homes, whatever. Look up JCroz (JCrotch) on here, he did the exact same thing, bragged about things he didn't have, was asked about it, and eventually admitted the truth. No one here would have thought any less of you had you stated the truth from the beginning: "Hey my folks are cool and got me place to stay while I'm going to school". That's great that they did that for you, and we're happy for you. I personally wouldn't have cared if you lived in an apartment. You/we/all of us (should) like people for who they are, not for what they do or do not have. Something I learned a long time ago: It's easier to remember your story if you start with the truth. I know that you think everyone's picking on you, but really, it's of your own doing. You're young, all of us were. You'll grow older and wiser, and someday (hopefully) you'll look back on this and see it as a learning experience. Try this: Send your father to this site, have him read your threads and the replies to them, and see what he thinks. Assuming he's any sort of parent, I'd be prepared to go grab a switch (that's a stick, I realize you're younger than me) from the backyard, bend over, and endure the beating he's gonna lay on your behind.
  2. Passed this on to a buddy of mine at work. His bow wasn't able to kill any deer this past fall, so he's looking for a new one...
  3. One that you can "tuck", i.e. inside the waistband and still tuck your shirt in, so that it (in theory, if not always in practice) you don't look like you're carrying to other people.
  4. Did you mean "dappled dachshund" ? Spel chek 4 teh MWF!
  5. First gun ever? Might want to shot a .40 first, they tend to recoil ("kick") quite a bit, especially in smaller (read: concealable) sizes. 9mm might be a good choice for a first semi-auto. If you've shot before and know how the different calibers feel, please to ignore the above...
  6. Liked and liked. If you're having troubling find Don's Australian Goat, after liking Nitrous Express, click this link and like it. *I think the link works, at least it does from here, but yrmv...
  7. jblosser

    My wife :(

    No offense, but wow! ...and the chick's not bad, either.... :lol: j/k, no homo. you're a lucky man.
  8. In b4 the other smartasses: Pics of sister, pls...
  9. @Ringo: Listen to CbrGirl (Carie - which I'm sure I spelled wrong...). She and Ben (Casper) have two (I think) huskies, so she knows what she's talking about when it comes to that breed of dog. I'm not volunteering those two, but I'll go out on a limb here and say that if you wanted help or had specific questions, they would oblige. As others have said, spend a day outside putting in the invisible fence. Have Sky outside with you. She'll enjoy being outside with you, even if she's on a leash. IF you invest time in this dog (or any animal) you'll be rewarded ten-fold. You ever notice how when you get home her tail is wagging like crazy? That's because she's happy to see you. Pay her back by investing some time in her. I know you said you take her on walks, to the park 4 times a week, etc. If that's already happening, you're well on your way. I'd like to ride every single time it's not raining, but I have a young (10) son, and his needs take precedence over ANYTHING else, including work. My rescued dog (Purebred Apalachian Porch Hound, Charlie (or Chuck) is second, my two rescued cats (Maddie and Marcie) are third, coming in last is whatever I want to do. It's all about priorities. Living beings (e.g. children, animals) that can't take care of themselves have to come first in your own list of priorities. Until you're able to be honest with yourself and allow the dog to move to the top of the list, you're doing both of you a disservice. ***edit: I spelled CbrGirl's name right!!!
  10. Liked. that doesn't mean I just bought one, does it?
  11. Well, yeah, there is that, too (the "game on" thing)...
  12. Sam Walton, at the time the richest man in America, drove a Ford pickup truck even though he could obviously afford any car he wanted. The point? You can't judge a book by its cover. See some old dude driving an old truck, you might think he's just an old dude that can't afford a nice vehicle. Just because the customer had a "wife blesser" (as Ned Flanders would say) and tattoos covering his arms doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Could've been a doctor, small (or large) business owner, a <insert "respectable" job title here> for all anyone knows. If the other customers are uneasy, that's their hangup. I'll admit it, if I had seen him it might have made me be wary, too. Open carry is just not practiced enough to where it doesn't get noticed. If you see a young guy with an M&P strapped to his side, that's just Chebby, nothing to worry about, he's on our side. If he had been dressed business casual, with perhaps a crew cut, people might have thought he was a detective or some sort of LEO and wouldn't have given him a second look. Ever see the undercovers doing drug buys on Cops? Some of them are downright scary/nasty looking, the customer could've been one of them, you never know. If he's pulling it out of the back of his pants and yelling "stickup", that's the time to worry.
  13. Insight (service by TW Roadrunner) for 3 more weeks out here in Galena, then it will be WOW! at the new joint in Westerville. Service has been great; the modem died once, they replaced it. In 7 years, the cable (and Intarwebs) have only been out twice that I can recall. D/L speeds usually around 20 Mbps, pings 25 ms.
  14. you could try Google SketchUp, there's a MAC version. never used it, but from the gallery section there appear to be some pretty intricately done drawings.
  15. That'd be a feeler (gauge). And you call yourself a mechanic... Dang kids.
  16. Autodesk (AutoCAD) will give you a 30 day free trial version.
  17. How to fix (and forestall future attacks using the same entry method) Nice that Safari auto-opens "safe" files by default... 'Course, you then had give it the Admin password - so the blame falls mostly on the user, as usual.
  18. You should look into ClamAV (click), free (as in beer) cross-platform (Win, BSD, Linux, OpenSolaris, etc.) AV solution. You sure you got a virus, and not some cgi script kiddie web hack? Try running your browser in a chroot jail. Google it, it's pretty simple to set up.
  19. Similar to the smelting incident I had, I'll guess... I was going to say that all of mine were in a safe, on my boat, and I hit a giant wave and the safe fell overboard and sank to the bottom of the ocean, carrying all of my guns with it. But I had to tell the truth, so...
  20. I really like the tail section, the message is subtle, yet loud and clear. Lots of talented people on this here ORdN. It's not my bike that got painted, but Thanks, Jim!
  21. ^^^ please excuse the fapping, it won't take long.
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