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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Welcome from the son of a Tiger Swing Band Alum!
  2. From the album: misc

  3. Yes, one in the chamber if I'm carrying a semi-auto. If the weapon i'm carrying has a manual safety, then that safety's on. Reason? I don't want to have to rack the slide before I can dispatch the bg. Practice carrying with snap caps - you'll see that the gun doesn't fire unless you want it to fire. Carry a revolver and this discussion's moot.
  4. Rest Ice Compression Elevation Did the same thing to my left ankle playing softball a hundred years ago; stepped on the beveled edge of home plate and my ankle went south. It was fine while I was up and walking around on it - as soon as I stopped moving it swelled up just like yours. Made clutching in the car impossible on the drive home. Doc said it is actually better to break your ankle - they can put it in a cast and forget about it. No, instead I had to tear every ligament in there and hobble for 2 weeks or so. 20+ years since, it's fine and hasn't given me a lick of trouble since. Actually, the ankle is a joint connecting leg bones (tibia (on the inside), fibula (on the outside)) with the foot bones (talus (bone on top of foot) and calcaneus (heel)). Remember? "the foot bone's connected to the, leg bone. The leg bone's connected to the..."
  5. While watching I was thinking the same thing, but they were booing Comisar Bettman who, among other misdeeds (mis-guided expansion, two labor lockouts, lousy/mis-guided television rights deals), basically ignores the Canadian teams even though the 6 of them contribute 30%+ of the League's revenue. Watch any Stanley Cup presentation to any team, entry draft, or anytime Bettman has spoken since 1995 and you'll hear him booed. What <was> disgusting was the Canadian fans' booing of the Star Spangled Banner throughout the playoffs. For that, I say a big to America's Hat, er, Canada. ***edit: It was nice to see an Original 6 team THAT WAS NOT FROM DETROIT win the cup. Sorry (not really) Moose!
  6. Stealing for my hockey pictures album here on ORdN. Thelma and Louise sure as shit didn't do much, did they?
  7. Ed Zachary. 'Cept that time (or times way back when) when me and my female friend du jour may or may not have been using a certain hallucinogenic identified by its initials. <That> was pretty interesting.
  8. At least he tried a little bit more this past season...
  9. 1) I am a pretty decent (steel-tip) dart thrower; I've won money in tournaments and beaten the (at the time) number 1 and number 3 ranked players in the U.S. (2 out of 3 games, not just lucky in one game). 2) I am a professional musician (trumpet), but I don't make a living at it. I auditioned at and was accepted to The Juilliard School, but was talked out of it by my mother, who also was a professional musician (and made her living at it). I own 6 trumpets (Bb (2x), C, D, Eb/F, and a Bb/A piccolo). 3) I'm a "unicorn" server engineer, in that I'm the mythical beast you've heard of but have never actually seen - one that administers Windows, Unix, and Linux servers. 4) I am a voracious devourer of fiction, mostly mysteries or spy thrillers (leCarre', Flynn, Thor, Silva, etc.). I average a book a week. 5) I played a lot of baseball growing up, usually on travelling teams. My American Legion team won our region and came in 3rd in the U.S. at the national tourney. 6) When I was born I had Hemolytic Disease (this was before mothers/fathers were tested for Rh factor) and required 3 complete blood transfusions. 7) I have a 10 year old son, who is my entire reason for being. 8) I just this past weekend moved from a too-large house on 5 acres in Galena to a regular-sized house in Westerville. Jr. (see #7) needs to be able to go outside and play with kids, and it's within walking distance to the pool. 9) I have a dog and two cats who all get along together fabulously. Usually. 10) My 'first time' was with two girls (seniors) during my freshman year H.S. spring break, in Lausanne Switzerland. It's been downhill ever since.
  10. Looks like an El Camaro to me...
  11. In the old days when I was growing up, parents administered discipline (not actual beatings, but spoken words that left absolutely no doubt in your mind as to the proper behavior in the future) to any kid in the neighborhood that needed it. All the parents were of the same mind, and (most) all of us kids turned out to be upstanding, hard working, non-thieving adults. Remember how you used to be scared when threatened with "wait 'til I tell your father"? Back to reality: My guess, and I'm not a psychologist, is that if your son befriended the thief, the thief would be much less likely to go thieving in in the future. He's not getting attention from his parents and is probably not able to actively seek out new friendships. The kid needs friends and guidance that he's obviously not getting at home. It's kind of like a dog that never sees other dogs - they react badly when they actually do see another dog for the first time, but eventually (usually) they become part of the pack and act appropriately. Or you could just administer a beat down on the thief, but that's only going to cause him to repeat his misdeeds. He most likely doesn't respect authority, as he doesn't get any authority at home and doesn't know how to react to it. The camp counselor sounds useless. I would not be sending my son back to a camp where there's seemingly a lack of leadership.
  12. Inflate tires to 80psi f/r. Sure, the ride'll be harsh and handling will be off, but mileage will be better. j/k. don't do this, recommended is 34/36. you can go a little higher and be safe if you're just slabbing it.
  13. jblosser

    father's day

    Didn't really 'think' too much about it (thinking's not normally something I'm good at) - saw it, nostalgic light bulb went on. The cool thing - I think I spent maybe $50 (Fair admissions, tractor pull pit pass, couple of sodas and dogs). (this will sound like a cliche') Speaking from a father's perspective, it's not about the money, it's about the thought that went into whatever is given/done. Maybe you used to shoot bb guns in the woods - go buy a Red Rider and do it again. Or like Field of Dreams, find/buy a couple gloves and a ball and play a game of catch. I love playing catch with Jr., hopefully he'll want to have a catch 20 years from now when he's 30 and is married with his own kid(s).
  14. Glad you're OK! On the plus side: On the new or rebuilt bike, you've found a handlebar shape that's more to your liking.
  15. jblosser

    father's day

    (speaking as a son) Anything that he always did for you/took you to when you were a kid that you guys haven't done for a couple of years? Example: Pop always took me to the State Fair, specifically to watch the tractor pulls, back in the late 70's/early 80's when the fair had a Grand National Pull (think MotoGP of tractor pulling). The fair hasn't had tractor pulling for a long time, and me and Pop hadn't been to the fair together for at least 20 years. Moved up to Delaware County in '04, saw that the Delaware County Fair was a 'big thing' in DelCo, and saw that they had a tractor pull. Called Pop, asked, said he'd like to go. He had a great time seeing all the tractors, correcting the announcers about water injection on diesel engines, the noise, etc. That was in September, he passed the following August, about a month before we would have gone again. I always have a bittersweet smile when I see DelCo Fair time coming up; I know me and my Pop got to go to one last tractor pull together, and he had a enjoyable evening. (as a father): I think I'd rather get something from each child individually as opposed to something 'from the gang', unless you kids were pooling lots of money to send me on a cruise or some such thing like that. Just my $0.022 worth.
  16. I did not see this post...
  17. I'm wondering what would he do-ooo-ooo for a Klondike Bar?
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