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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I saw a completely stock H-D on the road over the weekend.
  2. Horrible smelting incident claimed all I had...
  3. Just read that somewhere the other day, may have been Click and Clack, the CarTalk guys. They said you need a cap, didn't say anything about steel > plastic, though. *** edit: I done seen it in the June 2011 Motorcyclist, page 119, the MC Garage section: Not sure whether I'm believing this.
  4. tampa > bruins | van > sharks...if Luongo plays well, and if the Sedins do something. Kesler can't carry the team. Well, he did in the second round. Luongo get an assist on that? Stay in your f*cking net, or leave it behind for Hamhuis. Damn Brodeur wanna-be. Moose - sorry 'bout your Wings. Sort of.
  5. jblosser

    LTB: Ramps

    @Jst2Slow: Here's a link to the ones you've borrowed from me a time or two (click) $142.49, 2000# support when used as a pair. Mine are 7 years old, used quite a bit, and are holding up perfectly.
  6. It's the first I've noticed... I can't figure out the Experience stuff, so I never really look...
  7. <tinfoil> where are your green and orange bars then? </tinfoil>
  8. pics of dancing girls in leopard-skin outfits, please...
  9. jblosser


    ...used for example, to emphasize/enhance the point I was attempting to make, Barrsiter Chris.
  10. jblosser


    Cliff's: Some people are adamant about wearing gear, some hate wearing gear, and some are 'meh'. Full face helmet > Open face helmt > Half helmet > do rag = no helmet > helmet strapped on back of sportbike being ridden down the road. One piece racing suit > two piece leather > two piece mesh > leather jacket only > mesh jacket only > t-shirt and jeans > t-shirt and shorts Full-on boots > half boots = construction boots > tennis shoes > flip-flops = bare feet Motorcycles > scooters = bicycles It's a free country. Wear your seat belt or don't. Gear up like Moto GP guy, or don't. Riding a motorcycle is all about freedom. I would hope that everyone A) doesn't have an accident or B) if they do have an accident, they've got gear on so that we can ride with them again on another day.
  11. Who: Anyone can help - don't need to have served in the Military What: 10% of your food purchase is donated to the VFW to support our current active duty personnel When: 16 May - 12 June, 2011 Where: Any Buffalo Wild Wings location (click for corporate website) Why: Really? You have to ask? How: Show your Military ID, VFW Card, or Return the Favor Card (click) Need more info?: Return the Favor (.org) website (click)
  12. Sig P220 SAO $650 @ CDNN all my other thoughts have already been mentioned.
  13. jblosser


    When it's 90+ out I still gear up; as someone else already said 'it just doesn't feel right' without it. Yeah, it'll be hot when you first get on the bike, and when you're stopped, but once you're moving it's fine. Sweat is moar comfortable than skin grafts.
  14. see post directly above yours...i could be wrong, but i think they're sold.
  15. Korea? Nam? Max and Erma's is also free for young uns on Mondays, at least the one in Westerville at SR3 and Polaris/Maxtown.
  16. nice. sure to offend MMA guy and Likes to Fight guy...
  17. Jesus H Christ, I can't rep RR either... Riding home tonight, lotsa bugs out. Tink,,,,,tink, tink,,,,,,tink,,,tink as theuy're bouncing off my face shield. How do people ride without a helmet this time of year (or anytime at night)? June bugs hafta hurt if they nail you in the noggin...
  18. jblosser

    Monday Nights

    it's "defiantly", don't you know how to spell? "shitty as" = "shitty azz", it's how all the kids talk these dayz. attempted rep, but must spread it around, dammitall.
  19. What I don't understand, and it's none of my business but the OP started this, is why is there child support being paid, and why is/how did the child get on the state's health insurance? I can see if R6 knocked up some broad, didn't want to have anything to do with the mother, that she would then ask for child support. Since they're (presumably) engaged to be married and are living together with the child, where'd child support come from? She would have had to ask for it, no? I know nothing of how 'the system' works (or doesn't), but it seems to me as if everything's hunky-dory between R6 and the future Mrs. R6, she could just tell the court "umm, no thanks, don't need child support" and it'd be done and over with?
  20. Maybe I'm old, and old-fashioned, but 'marriage' to me means a man and a woman. Call it a 'civil union' or whatever, give anyone that wants to 'be married' the same rights as straight folk, just don't call it 'marriage'. Yes, words mean something to me. I don't think the GLB crowd cares what it's called, they just want the same rights as the non-GLB crowd. A rose by any other name... As to showering in the military, men and women don't shower together because (in the womens' mind) all of the (presumed straight) men want to 'get with' any/all of the women, correct? We know that's not true, but it makes women feel uncomfortable nonetheless. Why is it such a stretch to think that some straight men/women wouldn't want gay men/women showering with them? They might think that all gay men/women will 'get with' any man/woman, just as some women think the same thing about straight men. I don't think any straight men would have a problem with women sharing the shower... I personally don't care what people do in the bedroom (or the kitchen, or the backseat, or wherever). Banning gay marriage isn't going to stop anyone from doing things that some people, for whatever reason, don't like.
  21. Bought a 32GB thumb/USB drive from them 3 or so years ago via Amazon. It died 3 months later. E-mailed OCZ for an RMA, sent it in, I expected a replacement in about 2 weeks. 2 weeks came and went. E-mail asking status went un-returned, as did a second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth, all 1 day apart. Posted up my experiences in the ratings section of Newegg and Amazon for that drive, received a response immediately from them. Asked when I could expect a new one, their reply was that they were out of them, but would make some new ones in 2 or 3 weeks. Replacement showed up around 3 weeks after that, or 5 weeks in total. Since they make zillions of them (and every online retailer had them "in stock") it seemed to me as though it was unreasonable. Had they bothered to reply to my inquiries (as opposed to trolling product review sites) I wouldn't have been as upset.
  22. One hdd, one optical drive, one video card - 500, 650, or 700w should be plenty, although more than needed won't hurt, and will allow for future additions/upgrades. Modern PSUs use only what they need, so you <shouldn't> be using much more electricity with a more powerful PSU. Thermaltake, PC Power and Cooling, Cooler Master, Enermax, and Corsair are all good brands. Don't know nuthin' about Raidmax. My one and only experience with OCZ's "customer service" was much less than satisfactory, but I'll take Meanie's word that they make good stuff.
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