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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. My neighbors are throwing a huge party this weekend. (If you're in Marysville/Dublin area or wherever.. and want to come you are more then welcome. They welcome anyone. They call it Shimmy Fest. Starts tonight but the main night is TOMORROW. You can totally crash out at my house or if you bring a tent you can stay in their or our yard. Lots of bikes!!)

    Well anyway, one of their parents came in last night who rides a HD. He recently relocated his turn signals.

    My neighbor mentioned to him that I was looking to have that my signals relocated and my neighbors dad is working on it right now!

    As we speak they are wrenching away on my bike. The fender is already off and the wiring is in process.

    Really wish I would of seen the LED integrated brake and turn signal light.. I will totally have to do that in the future.

    THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Well, I got the mount that was suggested. I went in for a oil change today at Honda Marysville Motorsports... not like it couldnt of been done here but I wanted to also find out how much they want to relocate those turn signals for me. My hubby doesnt have time to do it.

    They told me it would take 2 hours to do since they have to remove the fender and re-route the wiring.

    I said no way hosea! Especially since it was over $80 an hour. Yeah, no thnx.

    The hubby said via text message that maybe he can do them on Saturday.

    I'm hoping.

    If not I'm doomed to wear an Adidas backpack around forever and have saddle bags just sitting inside my garage instead of on my bike.

  3. i do.. kekeke

    picked up a mount setup for the bike. cant wait to try it out.

    Does that have a speaker built onto the unit or how will you be listening to it? Just wondering.

    I have had Sirius for 8 years now in my car. I was a Sirius Satellite Radio store and mystery shopping rep for about 3 years. That's been quite a while now. Seems like a million years ago.

  4. i think it's messed up. and i know how you feel.. i've had a car sold out from underneath me, when i was about to go sign papers for it.


    Me too. I look back on that day and think how fortunate I was not to have gotten that car. It was back in my really poor $7 an hour days and I was looking at a used Ford Taurus. They sold it out from under me. I went to another dealership and bought a Mitsubishi Mirage that was honestly the best car I ever owned!

    Only expenses on that car were tires (the cheap small ones that you could get a set for $100), oil changes, and brakes.

    I actually cried when I sold it off to a friend.

    Now I've got my Protege 5' and it hella expensive in tires. Darn low profile mofos!

  5. Shift smoothly so you don't crack helmets.

    Yup. The last (and as far as I'm concerned only) time I rode with my husband on his VTX we cracked helmets a couple of times.

    I also had pains in my arms from reaching down to try and hold onto his waist.

    Now I don't have that problem anymore.. it's called I RIDE MY OWN! :)

  6. The only problem I have with any of the shirts is the one that is blaming the Democratic party. There are some of us Blue Dogs out there okay?

    Don't go thinking your supported political party is entirely innocent of all the bs this country has gotten to just because you're not a Democrat.

    Again, I agree with most of the shirts.. I'm just not going to run a fairy tale in my head where this whole messed up situation stems from one party. Reality check is in order from time to time!

  7. Thanks for the info.

    Because seriously... the video wouldn't work for me. Nor would the 'revving it up' in hopes someone would run and open the garage door.

    2 reasons--- 1) I ride my own so I'll likely be pulling up the driveway to the garage instead of running to the door.


    2) My darn dog is still lacking height and opposable thumbs.

    So, I'll have to look into the DIY option. Thx again!

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