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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. I thought it was around the corner. I got official word today. Tomorrow will be the last day as a contractor at Cardinal Health. They don't have a need for this position and cannot find a team to transfer me over to. Soooo.. tomorrow it is!:(

    I have traditionally worked in High-Level Executive Administrative Assistant positions as well as Operations areas in the IT industry. (Ben aka Casper has previously worked with me.)

    For the last 2 yrs I worked as a Project and/or Program Coordinator and I have completed my Project Management required education hours.

    Please let me know if you hear of any openings.

    Got a bike payment to make ya know? :) I know it could be worse. :violin:

    Thanks! :D

    -Christina aka DGTL GRL

  2. Being the uncertainty of my job right now (I'm out Thursday if another team doesn't need my help) I'm tempted to say I'm interested. However, I'm going to guess that I'm expecting more pay then what a receptionist position normally offers.

    I'm more of a Project Coordinator/High Level Admin.

    Of course I'm also a cops/chief of police's kid so I have some love for law enforcement.

  3. I took Kempo when I was young, I forget most of it now! I would love to get back into some sort of martial art training... but I don't have any time right now!

    I took KENPO as well up until I was about 13.

    Stopped at my blue belt when my dad divorced the female instructor. LOL:D Of course it didn't hurt the fact she got knocked up by another instructor and cleaned out my dad's bank account. NO.. we didn't make it on the Jerry Springer show. DOH! Regret.

    I actually still remember some katas.

  4. What sort of volunteer work have you: Done? Are Doing? Need help with?

    I've done volunteer work for humane societies in the past; but my most notable volunteer work was with as the Street Team Leader for Rock the Vote Columbus. (Non-profit/Non-partisan)

    Was a fantastic time!

    I also consider my Union County Election Judge ( har har POLLworker..not pole.. doesnt pay *THAT* well) volunteer work with a tiny bit of compensation. I take alot of pride in the democratic process.

    Not into swaying people one way or the other politics-wise.. I just want them to take part in democracy by using their vote as their voice and be heard!

    >>>>What about all of you? Volunteer work is good for the soul! :)<<<<

  5. :welcome: and enjoy!

    Congrats on the wedding. August is a good month to get married! It will be two years for us August 7th.


    Good to know that Ben has settled down. :) Some. :)

    I agree that August is a great month to get married. August 20, 2005 for Jim and I.

  6. BROMANCE!!!!!!

    theres nothing like seeing the joy on 2 harley riders faces when the one tells the other he has neon lights on his bike that he never knew were there.

    Funny you mention that- I don't think it even takes 2 Harley Riders.. my husband has had his bike since June 7th and yesterday afternoon while cleaning the bike he removed the seat and discovered a switch for his LED's. Honda, Harley, etc.. whatever it takes. Unexpected LEDs apparently equals glowing reaction from owner.


  7. I used to go to Club Polaris (Club Blue??) a couple of years back.

    Really small parking lot. Cruddy for parking a car. I can't imagine the kind of disrespect you'd get from the other car drivers in that small strip mall parking lot.

  8. I had a great time last night. GOT MY ENDORSEMENT ON MY LICENSE AND REAL PLATES (no more 30 day tags) TODAY!!! ($111 dollars later...)

    Screw these pink licenses. BAH! I hate pink!

    Jim is on his way right now to Iron Pony to have the tires replaced on my bike the when he gets back I'm going to go riding (errr.. community center parking lot cruising for my first time out to get used to the brakes, and swerving with my 750)!!

    I'm friggn' stoked!!! STOKED!!!!

    ps--- I don't have my card reader here with me at the public library but when I get back home I'll post some pics I took at Hooters last night.

  9. Aww man that sucks to hear, also theres nothing wrong with a lil carb binge

    : ) i allow myself to eat poorly once a week, i cant rule out all the great tasting greasy food hehehe, jst gotta make sure i work extra hard at the gym

    I hear ya! Yeah, bad thing was is the food was pretty crappy. Wasn't even worth the cheat. I've had better Lean Cusine meals.

    Thanks though. I think I'm having salad for dinner to 'repent'.

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