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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. We have a 'Going Away' party at Bennys Pizza tonight from a lot of now former Honda-droids. Jim (hubby) said if the weather behaves this evening he'd like to go out to Hooters. Probably past 7pm.

    My bike apparently won't be back from the John Hinderer until past Tuesday of next week!!! Grrrrr..

  2. Speaking of things I remember-- I also recall that on your 2nd day (first week or something like that) you were detained by police because you were the victim of a Nigerian netscam. You went into a bank to cash a check and the check you were given was fraudulent. Was a pretty interesting phone call to be getting. "Uhh.. yeah, I'm being detained and don't know when I'll make it back to the office today." Glad to know all worked out for you though.

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