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Das Borgen

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Posts posted by Das Borgen

  1. I was holding out hope I'd be able to make it...but after wearing a brand new set of Hawk race pads down to the backing plate and cracking a front rotor in two days this past weekend I won't have the car turned around in time for this.


    Time for some brake cooling or weight reduction.



    which Hawk pads? on the E46M3?


    which rotors do you run?


    if it is the E46 M3, yes ducting will work more than great but I'd advise to switching to PFC (Performance Friction) DirectDrive rotors or at the very least, the stock Euro floating rotors. BMW stock rotors are so soft they wear out fast and have a tendency to crack easily...



    some Carbotech XP8 or XP10 (judging by the weight of the E46M3, oretty much same as E36) or PFC01 or PFC06 (longer lasting, little but less bite than the PFC01) pads. Porterfield R4 pads are darlings too for the bimmers.....


    :) good luck...




    who were you running with last weekend? Buckeye BMWCCA?


    leme know if you need a hand, I love working on these cars

  2. http://www.phun.org/newspics/funny_friday/4773.jpg



































    I wish !



  3. http://pleatedjeans.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/periodic-table-of-meat.png



















  4. In India, there are many unwritten rules of the road. - Just as Indians are seperated into castes, so are their vehicles. Large trucks and military tanks are the top caste. Autorickshaws and bikes are the untouchables. The bigger vehicle gets the right of way. Sorry, mopeds. Rule of the jungle is a good rule of thumb. Don't try to challenge the supremacy of the goods carrier trucks.

    - Does one drive on the right or the left in India? Yes.

    - Cows always get right of way. They're God. Don't roadkill God. I've seen traffic stop dead in the middle of the main E-W highway in northern India because God was standing in the middle of the road.

    - 100 points for pedestrians. Under no circumstances stop at a crosswalk; if an idiot tries to get across, it's his karma. His rebirth will be auspicious.

    - Red lights and one-way traffic signs, in fact all signs of any kind on the road, are merely polite suggestions. Feel free to interpret the situation as you wish and go with whatever works. The signs are put up solely for the amusement of the bureaucrats in the traffic agency offices.

    - While the speed limit may be 50kmh, you may as well go 5kmh, or 500kmh, because nobody cares. The police drive extended-wheelbase Suzuki Samurais and they can be easily outrun.

    - Usage of the horn, or the "Delhi brake pedal", as it is known: this is a sensitive issue with a very specific ettiquette. Honk only when traffic is blocked, when it isn't, when you're slowing down, when you're speeding up, when traffic is stopped, when you're in a traffic circle, when another vehicle is within 100 yards of you, and at all other times.

    - All roads are 5 lanes. Even the ones only two lanes across. Think it's impossible? You've never been to India.

    - Brake for lepers.

    - A flash of a truck's blinker is an indication that it's safe to pass. Or an indication that there's ANOTHER truck, loaded with twenty tons of concrete, oncoming and you'll be killed instantly if you try to pass. You'll find out in a moment.

    - If in a car accident, throw big wads of money at all authority figures and injured parties and hope for the best.

    - What in the US is a road hazard is probably the road in India. There are two ways to deal with the ruts and potholes; one is to drive fast and skim over them, the other is to drive slow and try not to bottom out the suspension. There is no third option.

    - Driving under the influence of unrefined grain alcohol, heroin, ganja, powerful and crude methamphetamines, etc is totally unacceptable, except for the drivers of large long-distance goods carrier trucks. These constitute about 25% of traffic.

    - Not that many Indians die on the road. This is because, as one said to me, "we have gods to protect us." Us whiteys don't. You'll probably die. But Shiva will provide in exchange for a small goat.

    I could go on for hours.

  5. http://home.comcast.net/~cvetters3/generallee.jpg





















  6. Um, ride Fri or Sat?

    Perhaps north to Coshocton at a cruiser pace.

    Make it a photo ride, lots of pics.


    And ride some more.

    Have great stories and no causalities.

    Weather is perfect!

    Lets get some new members involved.

    Anybody like this idea?

    leave at noon and get back just after dark...

    Meet at Shell 270@Sawmill

    161 to 62

    62 to 13

    36 to 715

    715 to 36


    79 to 16

    16 to 270

    270 to home


    Your thoughts...

    I have messaged a number of people on this item. If you didn't get the message blame your friends. :)

    send me details... i m down

  7. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu229/jei2574/81076329.jpg











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