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Das Borgen

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Posts posted by Das Borgen

  1. http://imgur.com/2BXTK.png







  2. The last 8 pages in summary...


    "I hate you, you should be perma-banned!"

    "Fuck you! I'm not doing anything wrong"


    "you were banned before! Grrr"

    "Oh shit, well good by cruel world"

    "Wait I'm not banned!? AND I'm not a nooob!?, suck it haters!"


    "I still hate you!"

    "I still hate you too but we should be friends"


    "Wanna play Xbox!?"

    " I love you!..."


    i m glad I m caught up

  3. http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh319/pje01/ATT00034-2.jpg














  4. enjoy

    From another forum...

    "What's up guys. I had a crazy experience lst night. I was writing this huge research paper/film review last night for my term paper. I started at 8:30pm, where i tood 20mg of adderall to help me concentrate. Anway, 4:30am was rolling around and i realized that i should get some rest of i was going to go to the gym/ get up for an 10:00am class (which i'm currently missing due to feeling like ). Anway, i was recently prescribed Ambien @ 10mg by my doctor to help me go to sleep (I'm usually noturnal). So i took the drug at about 4:30am and decided to work on my report until the stuff kick in. Well, 5:00 am rolled around and is started to feel really wierd. I mean, REALLY WIERD. Like my body felt everything, and nothing all at the same time. Than, i looked up at my screen and the words were folding into seperate fragments and floating about the screen. I looked up, behind my lab top, and the pictures of my hgigh school were coming at my, seemed like that were trying to fly of the the backboard. I didn't know what was going on, so i went outside itnot my hall to get a drink (I was thirsty), and noticed that the coke machine was melting ant that the ice was sliding down the machines front. Holy ! I ran to the bathroom to check my pupils which were fine, but my face was kinda Canadian (ever see South Park?... no flame) and my eyes were huge, not pupils, my eyes were wide open. I looded at the bathroom floor and the tiles started to float and run under my feet. I then left the bathroom and looked at my door room carpet. The dust seemed to rise off the carpet in front eyes a float away in a swinging drift.


    Can someone please explain to me what the hell happened to me last night?"

  5. http://animal.kukuchew.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/dog-obedience-school.jpg





  6. :eek: Wow. Just wow. I've lived so long that our understanding of one of the most basic tenets of physics has changed in my lifetime.


    When I was in high school, my physics teacher, Albert Einstein, taught us that the speed of light was a constant (in a vacuum) and unaffected by the speed of the light source.


    Benner, tell me you're just kidding. :confused:

    surely he jests...... I'm guessing hoppefully he hasn t taken modern physics yet

  7. http://i.imgur.com/c3gd6.jpg




















  8. Stanislas Ilin (just call him "Stas") great tire mounter and his 03 tubo-civic si is the bomb...... He did a pair of 245-40-17 (very stiff sidewall summer rubber too) super quick and got me out the door a happy man :)



    props for a fellow SCCA autocrosser

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