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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. The issue I see with a union happens all the time at the local city garage.The employees tell the bosses what they are going to do. If the boss asks them to do somthing, they don't want to do they say no.(example: if the foreman tells joe blow to go mow the park, he says no if he doesn't want to do it) If it turns into an issue it turns into a bunch of argument between the union and management.
  2. *pulls up up a chair, and a bottle of crown* this thread is going to get good! Go donski go!
  3. ahh tamiya.. remember the blackfoot and the king blackfoot? The good ol days there! I raced nitro 2wd truck for awhile and then switched to 2wd electric stock truck. I had a buddy of mine get into crawling for a bit. It was very cool, i started to build a crawler and never finished it up. Perhaps ill dig it out, and get back at it.
  4. i have an avulsion fracture and have to see the specialist on monday. I will know for sure then.
  5. I'm in the same boat as sambusa, I haven't paid into S.S in 5 years
  6. sell it, and buy you a cheap bike just to putts around on when you have the time to do so?
  7. well this ride is pending my dr. visit on thursday. It appears i may have broken a knuckle, and can't pull in my clutch lever at the moment. =( The term busted knuckle here is exactly what happend when the wrench slipped!
  8. i sent him a text the other day, just kinda waiting to hear back. =) good lookin out bro.
  9. they were wonderful I ordered a d.i.d vm530 and it was about 127 shipped. I was thrilled!
  10. thats okay, sounds like we might have this rolling. I have to get everything moved out of my old rental by the 13 in order for me to go on this , so i must get to work!
  11. 5-6, nothing big, Just a nice relaxing ride through southern ohio. I planned on heading out pretty early in order to get some good riding in. Figured it would be an all day event since its a good ways for us to get there.
  12. Anyone from the hocking area willing to lead a few of us on a ride on the 14th?
  13. i LOVE the description on that ad.
  14. thank you zach! Ive got one last one to ask you to do, could you do one like the last link anden posted?
  15. I really like that black and gun metal. My CBR wheels were black, and yes they were hard to keep clean!
  16. thanks for the chop, perhaps, its not as cool as i thought in my head LOL, could you do me one with the wheels black?
  17. I want to powder coat the spokes on my wheels red,or just the rim red and leave the spokes gun metal and I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to do that, and what it might cost? Heres pics of the wheels..
  18. haha I know "redmosquito". He had a sprint that was stolen and he got a smokin deal on his 675!
  19. we definitly need to go for a ride, and you oughta bring that!
  20. thats rad man. I really like the black bike with the chrome engine, but thats just my oppinon.
  21. oh shit! hopefully he didnt get burnt
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