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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. that sounds pretty good, I would mention O.R in there somewhere also?
  2. okay great. I will start passing it around as soon as its done!
  3. i like both ideas, facebook seems to be able to spread stuff around quick. I think that would be a great idea.
  4. can a mod fix the spelling my title please?
  5. Would anyone want to help get a benifit ride going for him? I have never done anything like that, or participated in one, so I am not exactly sure what to do, but i want to help a brother out. Anyone care to loan a hand in the planning and such?
  6. if you need ANY help with the install get ahold of me, or any of us for that matter. We will be over to help you asap. I think we should get a benifit ride together. anyone else into this idea?
  7. John, if that 2 smoke was street legal, that thing would be an absolute handful!
  8. damn, all the years i worked on cars I never heard of such a thing. What a wonderful idea. When I v8ed my s10 this would have been a life saver.
  9. I am riding tomarow, probably starting early. 9-930. I am going to ride my normal route between huber and sidney, and then probably cruise over to indian lake for some lunch, and from there I have no idea where I am going. I ride spirited, but wait at every stop sign so no one gets left behind, besides i ride a touring bike right, its not that fast.
  10. Ill do the goddamn hand off. when we doin this thang!
  11. Granda080 and I both have them, We used them for our trip over into WV and PA a month or so ago, and did about 1000 miles in 4 days with them, with 0 trouble. The only thing I don't like about it is the cover to put on the plug when you don't have it pluged in isnt very good. Everything else seems to be a top notch product.
  12. Heres what i run.. It plugs into your battery tender plug http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/extras/communications+&+electronics/eklipes_cell+phone~gps+charger+adapter?utm_source=gps&utm_medium=csn&utm_term=Cell+Phone%2FGPS+Charger+Adapter&utm_campaign=extras-communications+&+electronics
  13. hey man im just down the road if you guys need ANY help at al please let me know.
  14. not a single bit. I drove through the subdivisions i take care of at work, along with my country roads on my plow route and didnt have a single thing. My house doesnt have any trees!
  15. never saw her, but i have a few buddies who went into the coast gaurd and when they came back from basic tyler had lost id say a solid 45 lbs
  16. w00t w00t! now tell her to get back to painting my barn...
  17. i love these. Nothing like the sound of a twin.
  18. anyone i've ever known thats gone to basic has come back in 10 times better shape than they were when they left! I give you huge props, and thank you for your service!
  19. nice colorado, mines idenical except black! Great build cant wait to see it done.
  20. yes it detects laser. its just a cheapie. i belive 30 bucks or somthing.
  21. i ride to work almost everyday. typically i ride on lunch time, but i drive the company truck at work.
  22. Troy got hit pretty hard. I spent the last few hours driving around taking some pictures. Enjoy!
  23. You just landed a spot on my wall paper thats rad!
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