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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. dustin, i would gladly ride over with you. I am having what i belive tune issues with mine, i would love to get it on the dyno.....errr I didnt relize today was 5-8. I wont be able to make it today.
  2. damn. My uncle raced quads back in the day. He had a 250x(4 stroke version of the 250r) and did the same thing, except he broke his collar bone. I hope this fellow was okay!
  3. im down for a benifit ride. You should def check out the can am! I think those things are slick! if you need any help with anything let me know!
  4. because his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...and the boy in the yard left lipgloss on the tire!
  5. oldschoolsdime92


    crazy lil booger!
  6. Theres a few guys ive seen in troy that have a side car setup, i saw one the other day, that the wheel chair rolled into the side car.
  7. bwahah good lookin out man!

  8. id have to say it may go over since the only other company making anything is harley
  9. ol pete is still runnin around there and his sons cooking!
  10. HAHA we wernt laughing about anyone wearing gear sir. We'd never laugh about that. we were giggling about the HUGE apes.
  11. im pretty partial to my tridents, but they had to ship from england also, but it was dhl two day. =) Arrow is one of my favs though!
  12. as long as no one leaves me behind on my slow touring bike!
  13. I am getting ready to buy. quite frankly i don't care if its a good investment or not. If i want to work in the garage at midnight so be it. Right now if i work in the garage at midnight, my neighbors will probably be beating on my door.
  14. id love to have it, but i belive its probably gone by now.....
  15. which is why you shoulda kept the apes, and rode with those for a few days while you waited for the parts. its no biggy man, its a learning curve for everyone.
  16. fuckin right brother. dicarlos is where its at! And if your into some spagetti, the rosevelt is amazing. Homemade noodles.. mm yes. And if your down for some fish, you gota hit up colemans fish market! ... Ive been around that area all my life. Its a great place.
  17. if your really in a bind call competition accessories in springfeild. they are a big dealership. I don't know how firimiler you are with motorcycles but i would say probably 8 times out of 10 a part is going to have to be ordered, expessially in my case having my triumph.They arent like cars where you can walk into the local napa and get an alternator for an 83 fiat on a sunday. If you listen to most of us discuss parts, you will find alot of us have extras and if we find a good deal to get an extra we snag it up, so we don't end up in the situation you are. Grantid, you were swapping bars and it shouldn't have turned into all of this jazz, but I blame that partially on newbieness but we all have to start somewhere. I personally would have personally kept the apes on the bike untill I had the proper cables and not sold my bars untill I had everything to do the job. Don't wanna sound like a dick, just wanted to fill newb in on motorcycle parts awareness!
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