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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. i love the wr's I would have to lower it considerably as I am only 5.7 and the seat height is above my waist.
  2. nothin big. i really just need the receiver. I found an rca system at walmart for like 70 bucks with a receiver that will work like i want. Ask and see what he says and we can go from there.
  3. thanks gsxrnurse, im going to check into that
  4. I am not doing shit today. its 315 on sunday afternoon.watching my first football game in HD, and im not moving off the couch. that is all.. thank you.
  5. I bought a new tv last week, and it only has a digital audio out, no RCA's, so I am after a cheap surround sound setup that has the digital audio optical input. Anyone have anything?
  6. i dont know about that, some people have money and like to be frugal(sp)
  7. i really enjoyed my mile I ran today even though it kicked my ass! I apperciate the advice. I need to get my ipod stuff back up and running. I have an infamous pair of nike shocks right now, which they seemed okay. I don't know how they will be in the long run, no pun intended!
  8. i do! lol! I just wanted somthing to help keep myself in shape, that doesnt take an arm and a leg for a gym membership.
  9. lol, i was more meaing snow trail rides. But I have ridden the quad on the streets in the snow quite a few times!
  10. someone fill me in! I am missing somthing!
  11. I decided I am going take up jogging. Over the last year I have lost a considerable amount of weight, just by a few diet changes. I don't want to gain my weight back over winter, and have decided to take up running. This morning I went out and walk/ran a mile. I used to run a mile in about 7:30. Today. it took me about 15 minutes. Does anyone have any hints or tips on getting started in this?
  12. i kinda was thinking about that also. does anyone ever go on any snow rides? I used to ride my quad in the snow all the time, and if i could make one street legal id be all over that.
  13. somthing like this http://limaohio.craigslist.org/mcy/1477203663.html
  14. I really want a dual sport or super moto, so i am starting my savings fund. Does anyone have any recomendations? I looked around alittle on craigslist but I cant seem to find much. Whats everyones thoughts? I think I would prefer a dual sport over a sm because I want to be able to do some trail riding too.
  15. holy bejesus, shes so tall she can reach jesus!
  16. New jogging shorts.... I think i have the most unmanly thing on the list.
  17. I also fired a glock 22, and the 27 with the 22s 15 round mag it was great. My buddy that carries the 27, carries it on his ankle. I dont really care for that but he seems to like it.
  18. thanks guy! that sissy bar is crazy isnt it? I have to find out what my boss wants to do with it. I would love to get it running for him,or buy it from him and get it running for myself.
  19. i fired about 75 rounds through a 27 last wednesday, and loved it. My only complaint was the short handle, i didn't like that my pinky hung off. Great little gun.
  20. I have used both tom and garmin. They both worked well. I didnt like that the garmin told me the the road name to turn into vocally. The tom tom just says" turn left in 1/2 mile". Not sure why i did not like this but they both worked well.
  21. I always stay at the state park, they have nice cabins complete with fireplace. I don't know if they are open right now. I go down for the annual winter hike in january
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