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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. well lets go man! I'll meet you at your house in about 15 minutes! welcome to the party! Its the most fun you will ever have with you pants on!
  2. I's never got my beers. bummer
  3. I have to disagree with this. I prefer a women to have alittle meat on her. Most of the girls that get themselves thin this day and age don't do it in a healthy manner. They want that instant gratification.
  4. can i have a beer too? I am impartial. I like them all. light or dark.
  5. welcome to the site! its the most fun you'll ever have with your pants on!
  6. the video was simply amazing. I never met him, but I am sure thats how he would have wanted it.
  7. whats the inseam if you dont mind me asking?
  8. i know you've probably heard it a million times, but even alil army style half helmet is better than none. other wise great videos!
  9. i cant stress enough how glad I am your alright. I heard the squeel of the tire and thought it was myself, and thought " here we go" and as soon as I relized what had happend, I already had my kickstand down and was off my bike. I had adrenaline going so much, that I remember the squeel, and putting my kick stand down, and seeing the bike slide behind me in my mirrors, and thats it. I don't remember coming out of the corner. I almost ran across the road without looking to see if there were any cars. Thats when i realized 100% what was going on.
  10. i just want it for street use, I dont have a track bike yet but I may end up getting one.
  11. Anyone have any experience with these? How are they? http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/productPagebrand.asp/Brand/AGV+SPORT/Class3/Two%20Piece%20Suits/Class2/Suits
  12. glad you made it out alright man! shook me up pretty good seein your bike slide across the road in my mirror. We will ge your bike straightened up!
  13. Well today was beautiful as you all know. Granda080 and my buddy zack and his girlfriend decided we were going for a ride. It was more of a touring site seeing ride, which was great. We went to oxford ohio. took 70 to 127. we then jumped over on i belive 732 over through hueston woods. We wondered through hueston woods and went to the beach. ( the restrooms were amazing at the beach) They consisted of a hole in the ground, a piece of clay field tile, with a toilet seat bolted to the top, and one came complete with a sandwich on the seat! We continued on our ride into oxford and cruised oxfords brick roads and it was a really neat little town. Lots of harleys. We had a filling lunch at chipotle, which was a first for me. Great stuff to be eaten in that place! We walked around downtown alittle bit and decided to head back with our ride. We stopped at a covered bridge we had seen on 732 for a quick photo op. We continued down 732, where granda080 had a slight hiccup in the ride home. All is well. The bike needs a few odds and ends. I will let him elaborate more if he would like. The rest of the ride home was pretty uneventful other than a bathroom stop. All in all it as a good ride with lots of neat things to be seen. Beautiful area down there. -127 -hueston woods -Covered bridge on 732 granda080's hiccup.
  14. streetracingdayton was a whole lot cooler about 5 years ago. We had huge meets of 6-800 cars and was a total blast. I belive the last srdayton meet i went too, i drove a good hour to get there, and there were maybe 5 cars there. ohwell.
  15. i used to get on cbrforum.com pretty regularly and it seems to be the same situation. Along with s10forum.com. S10forum has some good info but equally as much bad. I frequent triumphrat.net quite regularly.
  16. my sprint as the most comfortable seat I have ever sat on. Last saturday granda080 and I did a 300 mile highway bomb, and when I arrived home, I wasn't even sore in the seat region.
  17. it was running, i suppose its no different than crossing a river on a quad, its probably not as bad as doing that. Poor triumph.
  18. http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=troy+ohio&daddr=W+1st+St%2FOH-41+S+to:US-68+S+to:US-68+S%2FXenia+Ave+to:E+Bentbrook+Dr+to:US-33+W+to:OH-56+W+to:London-Circleville+Rd%2FOH-56+W+to:39.894987,-83.855896&hl=en&geocode=FUr0YgId8yj7-ikjXZEfA3c_iDEFC46CVZdpAw%3BFYR8YQIdkqkA-w%3BFQTaYAId3oAA-w%3BFTxxXwIdPggA-w%3BFUKvVwIdUh8b-w%3BFS8kWQIdEkwa-w%3BFaoEWQIdrvsU-w%3BFQicXgIdNvgI-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=8&sz=10&via=1,3,5,6,7&sll=39.811701,-83.463135&sspn=0.50846,1.110992&ie=UTF8&ll=39.698734,-83.388977&spn=1.018586,2.221985&z=9
  19. Whats a good day trip to leave troy around 8 or 9 and be back around 5?. I am planning to do whatever it is tomarow, if you would like to tag along or know a good route.
  20. i havent driven my cage since thursday. I left for work on thus morn on the bike and it was a mere 30.
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