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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. lots of drinking, lots of harleys,ive seen probably 1000+ bikes there on bike night. police patrol like knats. I tried to go awhile back and I rode by, and didnt even stop there were so many people everywhere.
  2. thank you! Ive debated selling it but I dont know if i can part with that.
  3. Well on a day like today I would have normally ridden bunch of miles. I detailed my truck. It was a good time, but still wasn't as good of a time as riding. Heres the pics.
  4. I can lead the ride in my truck! or you can lead and ill fallow! haha! Better yet, I will get my mountain bike out and we will ride mountain bikes?
  5. I will probably take you up on that! If you wanted you could fallow me in my truck, or somthing. We can figure it out. I have it narrowed down to a few bikes and the fz6/fz1 is a definite option.
  6. nice pics! keepem comin man! be safe and thanks for serving!
  7. Yea I am pretty bummed about it. The f3 wasn't great for 400+ mile rides but I did it anyways. I suppose its time to start my savings for my spring purchase. I was trying to find somthing to get me by the rest of the season but I am just going to put my money toward the savings.-sigh- enjoy the ride guys. If you break down, which i hope you dont... I have a pickup truck. haha
  8. I sold my bike on wednesday, and at this point I feel like it was the worst mistake there was. I want to ride, and I plan on having my new bike for spring, but have any of you ever sold a bike and regretted it?
  9. Does anyone have a dirt cheap bike, not really picky as to what it is. I just want somthing to maybe ride the season out on. thanks!
  10. i dont know but i do know i would sure love to have a cheap bike to ride untill i get my new one! i feel lost without a bike in my life
  11. you have my prayers! Sorry to hear that! I dont even have the words to explain it. I hate to hear about anything bad happening to good people! Keep a positive outlook on this, and keep your head up!
  12. lil over 6k or so, when i sold my bike on 9/9/09
  13. if i can find one of these for sale, I have made my decision, but I don't think its available in the usa.
  14. im thinking your right. i love the twin on the gladius but i dont care for the passeger rearsets
  15. i liked the full naked one better but I like those also. I haveNT ruled it out. I sat on the 6r and the naked fz6 a few weeks back and both were very comfortable
  16. i love those, along with the suzuki gt350!
  17. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/upload/199701/images/desktop2008fz6black.jpg i really like this also. I keep continually being drawn back to these naked bikes. I want somthing I can ride on long trips and be relativly comfortable but can still play in the twisties.
  18. Miles are a bit higher than I am looking if i go used but that is one clean bike! I really really like that.
  19. Well I spoke with the owner of the trumpie and told him that if hes still got it this spring ill buy it.I started doing reveiws on the sprint. the older ones(pre 02) weren't so hot. but I found 02 and up with 90k+ on them! Im in the saving a down payment process at this exact moment. The cbr paid off my credit card so now i have free'ed up some extra cash to set aside
  20. can i please have dibs on the Springfield armory USA hat! thank you!
  21. whats the general consensus on the gladius?
  22. I will have to check into that, but i don't think I am quite ready to make the step to an ape yet. sorry don! I keep coming back to the sprint and the gladius. I love the f4is, but I dont want a used one, and a new one has sat far to long, along with the left over 919 I looked at.
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