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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Read through the comments. Some of that is pretty intense.
  2. I'm at bob Evans across the street, the lines are kinda crazy now.
  3. Just got gas for 3.06 in Cambridge. That is all.
  4. I thought that too with the peppers, and onions, but opted not to on the first go. The chili was great. It was a lot of fun keeping the fire going all day as well. All in all the brisket was good, chili was great. Good company and good times.
  5. Next time I do the corn bread it will be in cast iron on the open fire.
  6. What kind of smoked deliciousness fits your fancy??
  7. It was awesome. The chili was sweet and smokey. The briskey was very good as well. Alittle dry but very tastey.
  8. I don't see this going well with the lady, but your exactly right. We live once. That's it. No do overs.
  9. Got everything fired up around 10 this morning. I had the idea to do chili over the fire. I decided to smoke the ground beef in my gasser, and on a whim I picked up a small brisket. Ground beef smoked and ready for chili Brisket done- this was my first attempt. It was alittle dry, but still very tastey
  10. ^ that's what I'd do. In the long run, a nice clean older bike will sell much easier than an old bike redone to look new. Besides, custom paint means its been wrecked .. right ?
  11. indeed. I'm still a card holder. The ABA is no longer. The ABA and NBL joined up last year, its now called USA bmx.I am still riding a very similar setup to what I used to race, minus the magnesium forks( over the weight limit). Frame is the same, except different color, and the wheels,crank,bars,stem are all parts I used from my original race bike. I spend alot of time in the winter running gate practice at the indoor track. In the summer outdoor work gets in the way of my bmx riding time, but i still get to the track when I have time in the summer.
  12. Brisket that has been inspired by porter, rubbed , injected and ready to go. Tomorrow its on, with chili on the fire , meat smoked for the chili , and brisket!!
  13. Oh no . If I'm trying it, I want the real deal !!
  14. Very cool to see you both get into it!!
  15. I have been riding the bmx bike pretty regularly around town-10-15 mile bits. I prefer to ride it in a more "urban setting" because it allows me to jump stuff, and all the other good stuff that comes with a bmx bike. I have been back at the bmx track for about a year now, and am probably just as fast or faster than I was in my prime racing. I don't think I can compete with the guys I used to race with that didn't take a break anymore though.
  16. damn every year I say I'm going to do this and it never happens. I will keep you posted.
  17. Care to elaborate on such shoes ? I've never heard of them.
  18. I can't get into doing things in front of the tv.
  19. It was ice house. No loss.
  20. The epa requires shit like that all the time. It's insane.
  21. I ran just under 2 miles a few days ago. I have had to convert to bicycling. I couldn't stand the constant ache in my knees running. I've been riding my bmx bike( I raced for years) about 10 miles few nights a week. I've also been going to the bmx track pretty regularly and practicing. Most of last winter I spent at the indoor bmx track running gate practice. I'm down 37 lbs thus far. I'd like to loose another 20.
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