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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I have a few reciepts for amsoil, but I've never personally met Andy. I got it.from Dave bannister, and there's was def rotella in the bike when I got it.
  2. It's now adjusted as close to pats fz1 site as I.can get From pats site. From pats site
  3. I probably need sprockets anyways, but i will re adjust and get back with you guys. Thanks.
  4. I just recall hearing a few different racers mention they had to run there chain on the loose side of things becuase of suspension geometry.
  5. I can never seem to get it right. Here's my question, in looking through the paper work that came with my bike, it appears the original owner of the bike raised the rear an inch when he installed the Penske rear shock. My chain seems to make a lot of noise , and wondered if due to raising the rear, would thst cause me to have to run the chain slightly looser than spec??
  6. TuneECU is awesome. I have the cable if you need it.
  7. I'm pretty partial as well . Great bikes.
  8. I better wash my truck for this adventure! LOL
  9. I promise I'm not the redneck wallowing in the mud hole like a pig! Hhaha
  10. Sounds reasonable to me, I don't know exactly about pressing it in, but certainly makes sense to me.
  11. I really want to go ride here. Its not far from home. Would you shoot me a PM next time you guys are planning on going? As long as you don't mind riding with a quad?
  12. probably next winter, after my wedding! Could a mod please change the title of my thread to engine swap??
  13. How did the back of your calf feel? Mine hurt more on the back of my calf than on my shin!
  14. It wasn't bad. I'm still slightly intimidated by the transmission on the other engine, but I've read enough and looked at enough pictures that I feel I can certainly do it. I work on a lot.of things, I just have never been.insida motorcycle transmission. Thanks pauly for the kind words!
  15. I put about 50 miles on it today. It runs/shifts better than ever.No second gear issue,and it runs flawlessly It seems to have much more power than the 27k engine that was removed. I couldn't be happier.
  16. you read my mind. I am actually going to flush the coolant and change the oil after a few hundred miles, since I don't know exactly how long the engine has sat. When I do this, I am also going to change the seal.
  17. I some how over looked your post. Your not the first person to tell me that about its previous rider. He sent me some great videos of him riding actually. Excellent rider. I will be retiring this ol race horse, and she will make an excellent sport tourer, and now that she has a new heart, with my riding it should be good forever. I also have read that quite a few times about the dogs,so I suppose if i do end up having the issue with this engine, I will be swapping the trans parts. With 7900 miles I hope thats a long time down the road!
  18. After a bunch of texts with granda, and alittle head scratching I decided to investigate with the old engine. Things like this eat me up until I figure it out. Heres what I discovered- It can't be coolant. Its either residual oil from my oil change, OR its an oil leak. That is a hard coolant line ,that runs through the oil pan, to the water pump inside. There is a seal on the hardline for the water pump, and if that were bad, I would have coolant in my oil. Not the case as of now. There is a red seal, thats an oil seal. Either the red seal is leaking, or when I pulled the oil filter off, residual oil collected.
  19. sounds like a recipe for an ulcer! Very interesting read though! Thanks
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