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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I am certainly game to take a ride, as soon as its no longer a flint-stone mobile!
  2. I couldn't agree more. Upon doing some googling and digging, I have come up with an address and a phone number. The tracking says the engine should arrive tomorrow. I am still debating giving them a call and explaining to them why I am unhappy and why they are going to receive negative feedback. They probably won't care, but I feel they should be aware.
  3. the tracking number is now working. It says i should take delivery tomorrow. I will keep you guys posted. I hope to have my bike back riding next weekend!
  4. I had the same grips on my sprint, they worked wonderful. Glad you like the liner hob, I have one on my list of goodies for down the road.
  5. I really wish they would give me a phone number. I feel a lot of this could have been avoided had I been able to talk with someone directly, instead of chopped up ebay messages.
  6. Its supposed to be shipping fed ex freight. I think I will give it untill wednesday, and I will let the seller know I will be filing a claim and then I will proceed to file the claim.
  7. Backstory- Fz1 has trans problem. Found low mileage engine on ebay to swap in, so I can continue to ride while rebuilding other engine/trans. So I purchase an engine on ebay, from powerseller, that has good ratings. I purchased the engine and paid for it on sunday the 12th. On the 13th, the seller contacted me and said the engine would be crated up, and shipped on the 14th. Awesome! ... Not so awesome. The seller notified ebay on the 15th, saying the engine had been shipped. Fine, they took an extra day. At this point I have sent the seller 1/2 dozen messages trying to get in contact with them. Even asked for a phone number to contact them at. No dice. I also asked them to give the shipping company my phone number, so they could call when they got close to my place of employment, to make sure I was at the shop. In all of the messages I have sent to the seller thus far, have included my shipping address and phone number. On the 16th the seller contacts me and says they need my shipping address as stated in the ad. I proceeded to give them my address now for at least the 6th time. The seller now responds and gives me a tracking number(on the 16th), which since the 16th, has not worked or even registered as "processing" At this point Im rather aggravated, because the ad clearly states shipping within 24-48 hours. How long should I give it before I file my claim with ebay? I have never had a bad deal on ebay, and certainly didn't expect to have problems with a powerseller with high ratings.
  8. leaky spark plug boots are definitely something to check for. Your plug will rust in there pretty good. It can be solved with alittle waterproof grease around there plug boot. Yes it pains me to some extent, seeing as how my fz1 is sitting in the garage with the engine beside it, awaiting a transplant.
  9. heres a video of my old triple with the new owner. I find myself missing my triple very much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdM_N5F413M&feature=player_embedded
  10. At this point, this is the worst eBay transaction I've ever had. So much for a powerseller with huge amounts of positive feed back. If I dont have my engine by Wednesday , I'm filing a claim with eBay.
  11. just do the maintenance, keep your battery charged strong, and it will treat you well. I miss my sprint st like crazy!
  12. Yes I found the engine on ebay.I have never purchased an engine on ebay, and I was really uptight to do so this time. I've never purchased an engine that I was not removing from the donor vehicle myself. Snot, Its shipping from York PA. They supposedly are shipping the engine in the morning. I will keep you guys updated.
  13. Well I was hoping to be installing the donor engine over the weekend, but the seller apparently still hasn't shipped the engine. Bah.
  14. It's def going to take three I think. While I'm working on the bike, I have some LSL rearsets on the bike, and I dislike them a lot. Does anyone have oem rearsets linkage and and brake and shifter levers?
  15. Awesome! That's my old cbr!
  16. Granda080 helped get it out. Hopefully the new engine will be here by the weekend. Your more than welcome to come help us out. It's prob going to be a 3 person job to get it back in
  17. Thanks guys. I actually have purchased a donor engine, so I won't miss any ride time, and I can fix the transmission bits and not miss any ride time, and also take my time to make sure its done right. I have a tendency to rush sometimes, and I don't want to rush this. Heres the pics from today.. Made big progress
  18. I'm going to go ventless propane, for next winter when i insulate the garage better, but for now I bought an 4500 watt 13,500 btu electric heater. Between thst and my convection kerosene that's 23000 btu. I heated my garage to 60 degrees from.30 in about 25 minutes. I'm pretty happy with that.
  19. From the sounds of it, the worst part is going to be removing the flywheel, and actually getting the engine out of the motorcycle.
  20. My house is all electric, we don't have natural gas or propane.
  21. I don't have anywhere to store a tank for a set up like that.
  22. My garage is 20x24, with an insulated garage door also. I've looked at that style heater also. I just wasn't sure of them.
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