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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. well they are 36' long with the tounge
  2. Not cheap, actually built for more severe weather than standard campers Yes, but not issue now. It was because they were built and put right into service with no air out time. Normally trailers sit for awhile between purchase and usage due to sitting at dealer lots and such. The FEMA ones were sent straight from the factory to home site. The formaldehyde is in most all building materials, it was normal and not something to do with FEMA trailers specifically
  3. And you overpaid. Walmart has those Minimags too but for 6.99
  4. Question answered. Yes they are built heavier and stronger than a normal TT. They also have a bigger bathroom as stated plus a full size fridge and stove. They are also cheaper because they are surplus and they lack a few things standard TT's have such as awning, holding tanks and a water pump. All those things are omitted because FEMA trailers were put in parks. They can be easily added on if wanted. FEMA trailers are usually thousands less than the same size TT and IMO better value and better set up. I have a 32' I use at MidOhio when I work weekends there and it is excellent.
  5. I may have to buy it for you to get that price but that's fine
  6. A few of the shorter ones were, not the 32' that I have. There's still some short ones there
  7. Yep, like that guy. 1) there could be a ton more to that story that you don't know 2) they have stricter gun laws than we, that could have been the probable cause 3) a kid that age cannot have that gun and I see no adults in the pict I could keep going with therories just like you do on FB. Right or wrong? Don't know, don't care. You, like myself, don't know the rest of the story and probably never will. Loosen up the tin foil hat
  8. Gots to come see me then, I've got the camper hook up. Ben saw what I brought to MidOhio, there's still a few left if you wanna come look give me a call
  9. Lets face it too, if they are there for a search......justified or not.....you've probably done something to get them to that point anyway.
  10. We get the CW9 in at Delta fairly often
  11. MidgetTodd

    Break in?

    It's not banned, just illegal. Should be banned though
  12. MidgetTodd

    Break in?

    The back of the store, where it happened, is fenceded and alarmed and under video.
  13. I'm you're fucking daddy, uncle and brother. What now? With the drunken scooter and cart antics that have ensued prior, I doubt there is any issues with local Leo in Fontana. I will be more than willing to test that theory again this year
  14. MidgetTodd

    Break in?

    Need be secured. Locked doors and and alarm system is considered secured
  15. MidgetTodd

    Break in?

    Not unless you left the doors wide open and a steal me sign in the parking lot
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