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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. This is true, but the stories..Im not sure which ones you've heard so Im not claiming them lol. I go all or nothing though, the middle ground is where boing happens In person you'll find it amazing
  2. Its not cocky if you can back it up, I'm not cocky I'm confident.
  3. Ive not even begun to put effort in, nor asked for a number. Im just friendly and shiet. If I had put effort in you would be 4 pages into taking notes by now and niether her nor I would have any posts on here because we would be too dehydrated to type.
  4. A 400ex feels like a 250 compared to any other 400, not even in the same class of machine
  5. You have never even tried one. Old utility quads, yea mabey. Spend a day on an IRS Outlaw and you'll never consider another sport quad.
  6. Nope not missed, I already covered that early in this thread. You're slow and old Besides its been a long time since I've met a girl that wasn't "equal opportunity" atleast not after a coupe drinks and proper encouragement
  7. In that case, how youz doin?
  8. Look at the Polaris Outlaw with IRS first. Usually cheaper, more power and way more capable. That's what I replaced my Z400 with and will never buy a non IRS quad again
  9. Too soon, I've found that sometimes scares them away
  10. There are several on here that have extra garage space that they offer up for the winter and some that go in together on a storage space for the winters. Just gotta start a thread that you are looking
  11. Jarvis is on track now, he is a quick study in leg humping. One day soon he will be catching all my cast off
  12. I could step up my game and go into detail about the ability to lick my eyebrows and breath thru my ears, or being like the energizer bunny. Could even start the cheesy lines that would make you turn to butter in my hands or better yet send you Picts of the epic jello filled hot tub at the last big get together.....but then you wouldn't leave me alone and Dani would get a lil smitten so it would be all bad plus you'd both be beating down the door tonight and I already have plans plus I have not restocked enough jello yet. Sooooo I've just kept it to a minimum trying to give one of the other members a chance
  13. Bite me you fucktards, I'm still getting my hump on.
  14. Soooo not what I was thinking lol
  15. Whoa now cowgirl, that sounds kinky! Just what is it you do??????
  16. The search button here as there are hundreds of threads about it. The track section of this site. Google STT "sportbike track time" NESBA "northeast sportbike association" MIDOHIO PTR "performance track riding"
  17. The evening sessions at MidOhio hit the track at 430, maybe if you spent less time on here talking to me you'd be done earlier
  18. 6 and Taco Bell plus Gen 3's phone number and address
  19. Track days are 7 days a week. MidOhio does mornings evenings and all day ones
  20. There's hope for you. Myself and Ductati Brian are at Mid Ohio a lot look us up if you want help. Nesba, Stt and MidOhio ptr all have great programs. Many here do it and there is always someone willing to trailer your bike to the track.
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