Hum. Wilmer runs the show for sure. One of the counter people there also said he owns it. Mabey they were being sarcastic since he is in charge of everything.
Yes dale has been very good to me as well. Here lately the only guns I've not went to him for are the 4 Keltecs simply because he can't easily get them and my Glocks only because he is not an LE dealer and Glock LE price is below dealer cost so he can't come close to what I get them for at Vances. That also brings me to another gripe about Woodbury. To my understanding Glock Blue Label price is set by Glock. And everywhere I have got a BL Glock from the price is the same even when looking at online dealers still the same.. However now they are 25 more from Woodbury. I think Ill place a call to Glock about that tomorrow unless some one here has an answer on that