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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. For fact, no. But am fairly certain.
  2. Wouldn't call it favorites as much as just simply taking care of their customers. You see Woodbury has 100 KSG's on order as well their other dealers probably have a similar quantity order and order regularly. Then Dale comes along and places an order for 2 and has only used them once in the past it is in the distributors best interest to handle the big dealers first
  3. You are correct. I love it when stuff like this happens. People don't do their research and treat this as some anonymous world wide forum not realizing this is a local tight knit group. And a good bit of the group are gun people and "used to be" Woodbury customers. The power of ORDN.
  4. The price did not go up at other dealers they sold and still are offering to sell at msrp. Unfortunately I am now at the bottom of their year long list. Since you do appear to work for Woodbury pass this along to Wilmer..I still offer to withdraw all of my bad press and remove my comments from here and FB and elsewhere if he honors the real price to us 3 from here that are one the waiting list. Otherwise I will continue to run that store into the ground. Agreed Hate to say it but you usually are Exactly Sorry for talking you into the drive and shopping there Dale would and has offered. Unfortunately Keltec does not deal direct with the dealers they ship everything to the distributor and they determine who gets what. So bigger dealers get taken care of first and Dale would be last in line so it will be a considerable wait for him to get one. I placed my name Buckeyes list Friday and have asked Dale to look into getting what he can Exactly
  5. Yes, I agree. Also forgot to mention MR.Newb I also had 4 other guns ordered there too that I told Rick to cancel because of this. And 2 others on this list were going to order the PMR30 when they picked up the KSG. So by my poor math that's 9 gun sales they lost right of the bat from this one phone call. Not to mention the 100's more that the 3 of us alone would've bought over time and who knows how many others due to the bad rep I am throwing out here and on FB as well as every conversation I have at the range and in my daily talks. This will be felt in their bottom line I promise that.
  6. Ok since you are new here and not really in the know Ill try and help you a bit before you dig a deeper hole. I am not worked up over a Keltec as you said. I am worked up over the way they did us on this deal and I say us because 3 of 6 on the waiting list for that gun at Woodbury are from here on OR. We were all told the same thing and I quote "We have a good relationship with Keltecs distibutor and will for sure get some of the first released and we will sell them for 650". So we signed up and waited a year to get the call that they are in "but since no one else in the area has any we now want 1999 and if you dont take it its going on GB for 2999". Totally pissed me and the others off because now we have to go put our names at the end of the list at another dealer and wait most likely another year. We couldve been first on the list else where but trusted and supported Woodbury and got done like this. More back story for you MR.Newb....I own a decent amount of guns and buy all the time as well as ammo and accy's and usually blew every other paycheck at Woodbury. That is alot of cash I have spent there..thousands literally thouands. I also talked them up to every body and got them numerous new customers. They will lose serious money and business over this deal. I am pissed because I was a loyal customer that was there all the time and half the staff knows me by name. Learn and do research before you join a tight knit forum like this and jump in the deep end right off the bat.
  7. You are a Tard and yes they are selling at some stupid prices from private owners on GB not dealers. The few other dealers that got them sold them at msrp. Do your research before posting dumb shit Newb
  8. Woodbury is total fail. That place and the owner/price gouger Wilmer can kiss my ass and many on this forum feel the same way.
  9. Moar fear and old news. What was point of posting this?
  10. No they make them for both 19 and 17 I want the 19 so all my mags will fit as I usually carry the 19
  11. Yes I thought they would be gone too. Ill repost them when removed also. I've not been this pissed in a long time and intend to be a huge thorn in their side.
  12. I couldn't get things together and a flight on this short of notice but thanks for the offer. I canceled all the orders I've been waiting on at Woodbury now. So if some how you manage to get any I will take them. KSG, PMR30, RMR30, Sub2000 for G19 mags.
  13. This. Its all over FB including their own page and here. This will cost them way more than the gouging was gonna make them.
  14. Good. Rawlins was 3rd on the list and they just called an offered it to him for 1700 so now 3 people have told them fuck off. I had 4 other guns on order there too and just cancled them all
  15. As most know I as well as a few others here have been on the waiting list for this gun for a year. MSRP of 800. Woodbury said they were going to sell them for 650. Keltec shipped 250 of them and Woodbury got one today and called me. He said......since there are so few out there we can get more money for it and if I want it he'll make me a deal of 1999 or he'll put it on Gunbroker for a buy now of 2999! I told him keep it and I wont be blowing every other paycheck there anymore! So fucking stay away from there Vances or Buckeye it is now. I used to really like that store.
  16. I don't play catch up. I come in late after the guys have spent half their paycheck buying drinks for the single girls. That way they are already drunk enough to believe my lines and I start cockblocking. Half the effort, no money invested, all the rewards .... winning.
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