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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. All off the monkeys actually were hers
  2. Its not our fault you live so far away and only ride down on the weekends We come see you in Jan too. Now quit trollin
  3. Ida shot him, but Ima dick
  4. What he said. I was serious but I will clearify now that you are not being such a, well, troll feeder. I have been thru a lot in my life and have three bullet holes in me from two different events. I choose not to be a victim and will never back down from a fight even one I am sure to lose so therefore I am always prepared and usually carry 2 and have a 3rd in the truck. I always have and always will carry in the bar because that is where most mouthy douche bags start shit. I do not however carry in the bar if I will be drinking like a champ. One or two yes I will still carry more than that I will leave it in the truck. I do not not go get hammered and act like a thug if that was the impression you got, I rarely even go to bars anymore I usually just have people over to the house to drink. Against the law,yes. Does everyone break a law or two, yes. I never start an altercation but I also never back down either so if I have to draw in a bar I will because it will be a defensive incident and I am willing to be judged by a jury of my peers for protecting myself. Hope that gives you a better understanding....If not, well, we can go back to the ball busting
  5. I wanna see that tattoo in 20 years, seriously I do. And this is my 10k post
  6. And yes you are feeding less, much less and thus I have not been busting your balls lately.
  7. That should be a good thing. I'd rather be hated for who I am than love for who I'm not. This forum is tighter knit than others because it's fairly local and we actually do stuff in person unlike nationwide forums. The faster new people learn that the better off they will be.
  8. I'd rather smack Jessica on the ass, but hey to each his own.
  9. MidgetTodd

    S&w m&p 15

    It hopefully wont come with a drum mag
  10. I heart you. Damn peanut butter rule wont let me rep you until I whore it around more.
  11. MidgetTodd

    S&w m&p 15

    Bump for dibs on the drum. Sell me the drum and lower the price on the gun and you'll sell faster . I can give cash and some regular mags if you need mags to sell with the gun.
  12. Cant we all just get along and and sing Kumbia and spoon? This ill will towards fellow riders is just as bad as not waving to fellow riders. You people really disapoint me, I think its time to delete my account and sell my bike if this is the brotherhood to be expected.
  13. Faster than you need and or can handle noob
  14. She did nothing wrong and was not part of this.
  15. If you had twin Glock 40s you coulda outran that plane
  16. MidgetTodd

    Sheep Pr0n.

    My guess would be sheep porn but Chevy is a lil slow.
  17. I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body. But I did not vote for Justin's guy.
  18. I didn't have to pull either gun today, but the day is still young.
  19. MidgetTodd

    Sheep Pr0n.

    Awesome, what else can I say. Oh and First to watch
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