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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Pure win Sniper.."you need to rev the shit out of the engine at stop lights" rep
  2. Why you gotta hate on me for ridin a whoolie, I dont hate on you for ridin slow side by side in the left lane.
  3. Actually you are not far off. The street that was taken from, the value he put on the bike is higher that 98% of the houses there.
  4. Hoblick can make fun because he doesn't act like most HD guys. Kreator is good people too. Im sure there are a handfull of other HD guys here too that don't act like total douches but they are few and far between.
  5. I don't care what type bike you ride...its the stereotypical HD personality and attitude I dislike.
  6. Well you're a HD guy obviously ...you saying you'd give 25 for it? If so ill get on CL and buy one just like it for 7ish and sell it to you for a special one day sale price of 24
  7. You show me how that is worth near 25 and ill personally help look for it.
  8. That's what he told ins it was worth. Prolly crashed it after a drunken poker run and figured he could make a 20k profit by throwing it in the river and calling ins.
  9. Lies, you dont even own a purse. A satchel maybe, purse no way too feminine for you
  10. I will be picking up several too if that is correct price.
  11. Woodbury has the 30rnd ones for 25, that's the cheapest I've ever found them.
  12. I may or my not have like one. If I dig hard enough maybe could find two but I doubt there's more than that
  13. I hear they're good guns and shoot pretty good too. Can get 25 or 30 rnd mags too I think. Might look into one at the next gun show
  14. Imma pick me up a 10/22 someday too.
  15. Half the time I dont even make the ones that I plan that start 15 mins from my house.
  16. He will send you one, you just gotta talk to Carie.
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