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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. 23 minutes ago, CBBaron said:

    So is this considered a "back protector"


    Or does it have to be like this


    Considering doing this track day if the weather holds and its not booked. I guess my insert is good enough for novice but was curious on the requirements.

    Does Mid-Ohio cap Novice? Will there likely be a problem reserving a week before?

    I'm guessing a DRZ400SM won't be much of a problem in novice, just limit my speeds and accelerations on the straighter portions. At this point a structured lesson sounds good and is what I would want out of a track day. 


    Yes those are both approved back protectors. 

    Yes Novice is capped. 

    Yes the DRZ is fine for Novice. 


  2. 1 hour ago, DerekClouser said:

      Primarily in case I can get bumped up by the end of the day or something

    Don't if you don't keep it inside over winter. It's your streetbike and winter is coming. You're highly unlikely to get moved to I on your very first track day there. N is a start to finish program with steps for each session of the day. If I is your goal you would ask for a one on one evaluation the last session of the day and your coach would let you know if signing up in I next time is appropriate.  If your budget and time allows for more days this season then sure go to water. If not then don't. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, DerekClouser said:



    I guess I didn't explain what I was thinking.... I'm certainly going to learn from the rider coaches while on the track, but I meant more for everything else along the way.  Such as bike prep, setup, where to go, when to go etc. 

    Set your bike as you would for a fast group ride and put painters tape over lights and remove mirrors. 

    Be at track at 7am. Lower paddock by garages. Follow the lines to registration and tech. 

    You will be completely directed from there. 


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  4. 3 hours ago, Hellmutt said:

    Well, add the wife and I to the list of quitters.  Her Mom is now scheduled for knee replacement surgery that weekend, so Jen is heading to TN to help out around the house the whole week.  I'm trying to get more time off so I can go as well, but we're definitely out for this....sucks, but family is always first.  You all enjoy and speed safely!

    Can I come too?? I know where her mom lives and I'm ready to go back and eat at the Barrel House lol

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