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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Completely stripped down. For powder coating and being reassembled with new bearings, bushings, seals, and bbr goodies. Building two but will probably have enough parts for a 3rd minus a frame and forks

  2. I'll try to get them all put together this week. They were stripped down for powder coat. That's all done just need put back together. All new plastics. Wheels are out being laced right now as well. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Casper said:

    Yea I got that. I can google. What I'm asking though is why. What am I missing that makes a forum need that. We talk about hookers and blow. Tonik busts your balls. IP hands out witty condescension. Joel says some Amish stuff and Shawn and Tim bitch about mowers and people on thier lawns...... on top of that the forum is open, anyone can read it and password is only needed to post more to fuel Pauly. Who would want to hack that? That's what I'm asking? What's the point? I don't understand 

  4. 2 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

    I could see it being fun on 129, but that's a pretty unique road where high speeds and acceleration aren't the key to going fast.

    On pretty much any other road it wouldn't reach my normal cruising speed :dunno:  I'd be willing to ride one though.

    Can take mine whenever you're around. 

    It cruises at 65 in current form. Good for anything but the interstate. 

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