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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. I applied to odot as well a few years ago but never got a call back
  2. Well if that is your intent then you fail there too as I will 1 up you again. I've been and still am a CDL driver. Got my CDL A in 1994 and have been driving ever since. Arctic Express, Magnetic, Rollins, Penske. Did it full time for 12 years and have well over a million miles under my ass. 2 and half years ago I went back to school to get my medic/FF card and got on with Zanesville and Frazeysburg and still drive a tanker part time out of Zanesville as I have several days a week off since I work 24hr shifts on the medic so double your 600,000 and you'll be up there with me . Didn't go how you planned did it?
  3. I was hoping for the best and giving your ninja skillz some cred and thinking you might at least be able to come by for a race or two one of the days. I know you gots some speed left in your old body you can run back and forth.
  4. Your fro helps your numbers
  5. they are way to expensive unless you're spliting it and Im not going until Sat so may be all rented by then. And I just prefer two wheels I can get there and can haul so I will keep that in mind thank you. You going to be there for any of the races during the weekend?
  6. Id give maybe 350 at most but I don't need it so my pricing would reflect that
  7. He doesn't draw at Midohio till Sunday at the end. Wont do me alot of good, I do wanna win it though
  8. I may take you up on it too, was hoping to find a scooter or the like though to just putt around on. That bad ass 85 of yours isnt exactly a putter. It is sweet as hell though
  9. And again not blaming the inanimate object as you stated. It's the group of people, all of them fit the stereotype perfectly. All were wearing no gear and a HD teeshirt, most sleeveless, and most had a dewrag. So no those people would not ride a sportbike it would not fit the role they were trying to play. And most were part of a poker run that all the stops were bars. Sportbikers don't do that.
  10. An S'wing, mostly just gheys ride those.
  11. Since you brought it up I'll say this.. I have yet to respond to a sportbike crash, all the bike wrecks I've rolled on have been HD's and all but 1 yes thats right ALL but 1 were alcohol related. Now is that the stat in all Dept's well I don't know but it is what all mine have been.
  12. Ok so Im fat and lazy and don't feel like walking my fat arse all over at MidOhio on the 8th and 9th for the superbike races and the regular crowd is backing out so there will be no golf cart and I gots no pit bike no more sooo. whos gonna loan me or rent me their pit bike, scooter, ect for that weekend????? A Honda Ruckus would be the shiznit if someone has one of those since Im thinking about buying one a weekend ride on one would help me decide. Who's gonna hook a brother up???
  13. I hand out drugs like candy at work what now
  14. Keep us posted I may want to buy stock
  15. What caliber is y and x brand, I'm not familiar with those. My penis is better than both your guns
  16. I'm 5'7 as well sweetpea thats my point. And my balls are bigger too
  17. Sounds like the ninja story
  18. Yes I do and I never deny that. And I don't dislike you, I've never met you. Believe it or not I have many friends that are HD riders and most of my family rides HD too. I am the only one in my family that rides a sportbike and the shit I give them is far more than I've ever dished out here.
  19. That would be funny if you were taller than me, Scottie 2" lowering kit on Katana Harris
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