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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Wasn't me they don't serve enough pasta over there. I'm not a coconut eater
  2. That depends on if you are Hugh Hefner or not
  3. Yep I'm all for profiling
  4. Don't matter if he's broke his ins will pay not him. And call whenever you want.
  5. You should tell them the truth. Your ins will pay for it then send his ins a bill and you wont have a deductible or a rate increase
  6. That was me and you're welcome. And yes very good time and Bob an Joe provide alot of knowledge and insight if anyone left yesterday and felt they didn't learn something by the end of the day they were not listening or trying.
  7. Have your dad pay for it. And you do not need a police report for an ins claim
  8. 830ish if I need to go get the bike. 745 if I come in the truck straight from work. Ill do either but figured I see if someone was already riding to make it easier.
  9. So who is going to ride to the event? I ask because it is my bike that was going to be used for the first portion of the event where they help you with body positioning on a stationary sportbike on stands. I am going to be held over at work for an hour in the morn so I will prolly be running a touch late and e en later if need to run home and get the bike first. So anyone for sure riding and for sure gonna be there on time that wouldn't mind their bike being used for this on the stands so I can head straight there from work?
  10. Has a little more to do with the redline part of our wheelies than the wheelies themselves. But yea we blame the oiling system, Ringo and Chipotle.
  11. Selling only clean titled bikes now, that was the point behind the move and new name
  12. pretty sure that was my problem too, piss poor oiling system.
  13. I'd eat more pasta and spend more time in the chocolate factory with Mr.Wonka
  14. Yes thatd be me.. and yes you would like it. And if you didnt I still convince you that you did.
  15. I'd never leave you wanting, refer back to the "10 things" thread
  16. repost... see the "shit steak" thread
  17. It does create girly men, Gen3 is proof. She tells us all the time how much she masturbates and she's deff a girly man.
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