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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Do you ever use your DBA powers for good?
  2. And I would rep you for that Ben but your damn peanut butter rule stops me from it
  3. We are saving that announcement for the celebration in the Short North this weekend.
  4. Either way he keeps us amused, and we already knew he was a cheap bastard. All he has left is change that Obama gave him
  5. When seconds count the cops are only minutes away
  6. Says who? And I'm the one taking most of it
  7. Where are the Kent state riot police when you need em?
  8. You are allowed to agree with me and Justin all you want.
  9. GHB is apparently an aphrodisiac to every girl I've gave it to because I've scored with all of them.
  10. Not every thread, there were a couple about straight republicans he stayed clear of.
  11. Oh nooz, not that. Deactivate your acount pronto.
  12. Jbots dad showing the failed cheap ass belt jbot gave him for fathers day ^^
  13. You ^^ should come with something original on your own instead of jumping on coat tails We might troll you less then.
  14. Jbot lost weight, got a fro cut and went to Canada?
  15. 883 is a good beginner bike for a 16yo girl. No power No handling and Loud enough to drown out their annoying bitching and giddy giggling. IMHO
  16. I neged him back and I think thats the only time I've used it.
  17. Id just kick it sideways and power wheelie over it on my gixxertana. :copbait:
  18. Yea CRB left me a priceless one too, he likes feeding the trolls.
  19. Almost every one on bath salts goes to ICU and sedated for 5 days as thats how long it can take to get out of their system and it usually causes respiratory failure so I get to intubate them ,even if fully conscious , on the way to the hospital. And when I go to get one I'm usually accompanied by a gaggle of cops with leather hard knuckled gloves and tasers. Subject is generally beaten senseless and tased 4 to 6 times by the time they drag him or her to my squad because the dipshits always wanna fight. Better entertainment the Jerry Springer show really and not gonna lie I sometimes get a chubby watching the cage match style beat down.
  20. 1) I'm considered an ass most the time. 2) I'm a damn good shot even half asleep at 3am when my door gets opened. 3) I usually don't "proof read" what I'm about to say because I don't care how it makes you feel. 4) I'm an open book with no shame, wanna know something just ask. 5) I like sex 8-10 a day and it's difficult to find a girl to keep up and why I'm usually late everywhere because we stop and play somewhere along the way. 6) I eat massive amounts of pasta. 7) I eat at every Waffle House I can. 8) When you think I'm joking, chances are I'm not. 9) I love my job because I love blood, trauma, broken bones and human suffering. Yet I'm prolly the one you'd most want on the squad comming to get you 10) I would kill anyone in a split second for hurting my daughter and the body would never be found.
  21. I can count of that at least every other shift in Zanesville. It's more bath salts now than meth. Cheaper, more powerful, more addictive, deadlier and not illegal.
  22. Not really because I'll swing by your house for food on the grill and beer on the deck before heading home
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