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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. MidgetTodd

    Ride 4/18/11

    Hum I want to, but cant till 730
  2. If I do this and get a scooter.......I'll be in full leathers and knee pucks because I am that baller.
  3. hmm I may have to find a scooter to be part of this ghey event
  4. Hum, interesting. He should think things thru better. There are very few on this forum I would take arms advice from as I am very well versed in firearms myself. Flounder is one of the few I would listen to. For what its worth Dusty.
  5. So in other words.... how much is your skin worth to you?
  6. I like the 27, owned a 26 and 27. I love my xd40. I prefer the xd sooo much more.
  7. If he bought it for anyone it would be his WonderTwin.
  8. Um just a tad more notice is needed and Id be there bub.
  9. Precision, Concentration, Patience, Fearlessness. Four skills I possess while shaving my nuts that I wish I could apply to other aspects of my life.
  10. Fail, only got one right. Im broke what can I say
  11. For $50 I will give the names of every one involved
  12. I'll have a 250 pound shrink wrapped bail of oregano and a 250 pound box of flour dropped off to you that I'll gladly pay your $100 fee to haul them to Columbus
  13. This sounds fun, mabey I'll make one of these rides
  14. MidgetTodd

    Sunday ride

    next sat and sun fo sho..... prolly this weds too, the lady friend and I are both off so weather dependant we'll prolly head out and 11 or 12
  15. MidgetTodd

    Sunday ride

    I had my lady friend, whats you tryin to say
  16. MidgetTodd

    Sunday ride

    Wait, you guys rode today?
  17. I hang off because it makes me look faster to passing cars and HD's
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