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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. most of us are back now and no more incidents occured on our fast after party ride ...... and agreed with Ross the couple people that turned the last coshocton ride thread into a pissing match "and weren't even on the ride" Im not gonna name names you know who you are can keep your keyboards closed or talk to us in person we're at the same bike nite you guys are and you know who we are so if its important enough to you to bitch about bring it up there Ill be glad to talk to you about it ..... Ive no idea what happened to make those two go down I was leading at the time and was NOT going fast , slowed everyone down at those areas it was a freak thing that happend ........ rant over just wanted to nip it before it got started

    and I had a great time thanks goes to the 22 riders that showed up

    that is all :)

  2. okay summary ..... busahawty thinks she's the shit , its been determined she's far from it, ross is a good chess player , mandie takes good pictures, it is possible to get 4 huge red stars as rep, and the women of OR stand thier ground nicely :)

  3. About time you came around... :) I'll have those LED's with me, I think they'll make a good addition to the 'Steed. After giving it some thought, I think I will end up repainting the plastics. I just had a few questions about some missing tabs on the front cowl and the ram scoop fitment issues that are bugging the crap out of me with this front cowl.

    No kidding, I'm really curious to see how many we have at IP tomorrow morning. I'm flattered that you guys would decorate for me, I just hope I don't biff laughing my ass off. :) Thanks.

    Again for anyone who missed it: the Columbus group is meeting at Iron Pony, kickstands up at 9AM. If for some reason I'm hung over and not there, EvilTwin knows where I live and you have my permission to park in my grass and rev as loud as you want until i get my ass up. :)

    we just got back cheechie mission acomplished not as good as we wanted but theres way more traffic there at 10 pm than I though and an old lady stoped and said she was calling the cops because we were blocking the road and called us vandals so it was time to go :D

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