I feel like i could ride all the way down 76/77 to work with no hands, with maybe an excption at the exit. Anyhow, Thanks guys for the answers. I'll try to pay more attention to my riding posture. i've tried just using my thumb, or a finger or two to relieve strain, and that works for a little while. some good tips here, ill give 'em a try. btw, to the poster who discouraged me from going to a liter bike..its only gonna go as fast as i tell it to. besides. bring your big bike, i'll show you whats up in the corners. im no slouch, just want a bigger/faster bike. I'm the kind of person that feeds off those who doubt me. so go for it! /rant. Thanks again guys. ill let you know what happens. edit: So i was discussing the problem with my gf. and she helped me to remember something. Over the winter, I smashed my right elbow pretty hard. So hard, i got a stinger. I played football for years, and this was by far the worst pain i've ever had in my arm/hand. It hurt so bad, it felt like my arm was on fire! So im thinking maybe i did some nerve damage. This is my third season riding, and as i think back to the last two, i never had this problem. I'm sure its beyond the reasonable amoutn of time your allowed to claim an injury at work, but i'll talk to my boss and see if i cant just get it checked out.