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Everything posted by Jsvob03

  1. I work for goodyear (well, one of the retail stores) and as per the handbook, no guns are allowed on the premises. period. One of the guys i work with has his CCW. doesnt matter.
  2. Im an alignment tech @ an auto service center. Still going to school for my ASE's. i say still because i got 2/3's thru my electronic engineering degree, and decided i was bored with it. like working on cars better. So i've been in college now for 6 years. I hate it.
  3. the rider is my buddy's brothers cousin.. high rate of speed ~140 mph. I dont know much anything else, aside from the fact that his injuries are notlife-threating (last i heard). I came thru there 2 hours prior
  4. thats one of the only bikes i think i've liked the look of the tank protector on.
  5. I feel like i could ride all the way down 76/77 to work with no hands, with maybe an excption at the exit. Anyhow, Thanks guys for the answers. I'll try to pay more attention to my riding posture. i've tried just using my thumb, or a finger or two to relieve strain, and that works for a little while. some good tips here, ill give 'em a try. btw, to the poster who discouraged me from going to a liter bike..its only gonna go as fast as i tell it to. besides. bring your big bike, i'll show you whats up in the corners. im no slouch, just want a bigger/faster bike. I'm the kind of person that feeds off those who doubt me. so go for it! /rant. Thanks again guys. ill let you know what happens. edit: So i was discussing the problem with my gf. and she helped me to remember something. Over the winter, I smashed my right elbow pretty hard. So hard, i got a stinger. I played football for years, and this was by far the worst pain i've ever had in my arm/hand. It hurt so bad, it felt like my arm was on fire! So im thinking maybe i did some nerve damage. This is my third season riding, and as i think back to the last two, i never had this problem. I'm sure its beyond the reasonable amoutn of time your allowed to claim an injury at work, but i'll talk to my boss and see if i cant just get it checked out.
  6. lol. I dont mind the feeling or whatever. I can deal with that. Its the whole cant squeeze the brake lever because my entire hand is numb. thats my concern. I dont care if i have the pins & needles feeling, i just need to be able to brake effectively. I'll look into some better gloves i guess. thanks for the quick help, i'll check more tomorrow. need to sleep, 'cause work comes in 7 hours.
  7. I have swift brand gloves. no gel. just leather. i cruise around the 65-75 range for pretty much 30 solid miles. I've read around the 'net a bit, and pretty much everything says its resonant frequencies, and/or too much weight on the wrists. I lost the weight on the wrists shortly after i lost the handlebar death grip..2 years ago. I'm not gonna say im perfect, but i dont think im doing anything wrong. edit: Shift gloves, not swift lol.
  8. No, its not a how-to, but a question. My ride to/from work is 30 miles one way. not a big deal, except for the fact that my right (throttle) hand goes numb after about 2/3's of the ride. I support most all of my weigth thru the torso, and only keep my hand(s) on the bar for control, not really support. My bike is a ninja 500, so its gonna have some vibrations, but enough to make my hand numb after about 15-20 miles? the motor mounts seem ok, and it runs about as good as any 500. I've thought about putting some money into heavy bar ends, better grips, and a corbin seat (just so i can ride more comfy), but i want a liter bike next spring, so im trying to put only as much money into the bike as the maintenance costs. is there something i can alter w/ my riding style? better gloves maybe? or..? i put this in the riding tips section as it seems to fit here. should it need moved, go for it. still feelin thru this place.
  9. Impressive. I like to detail my stuff, and i'd like to say it all looks pretty good. what you've done with that mustang is down right amazing.
  10. if your looking for radials, what about a 120/70 for the front? comes very close in diameter to the 110/80. as far as your aforementioned tire choices, I use pilot activ's on my ex500. I wore out the rear tire in about 6000 miles. Well, it still had tread on it, but due to my newb riding, and lots of highway travel, it was flat in the middle with plenty of meat on the edges. since i've replaced it (and learned how to lean/ride a bit better), I'm noticing its wearing a bit better overall. I really like how they handle, and i've been caught in the rain numerous times, with no adverse effects.
  11. just MC NOVICE. thats all it says. i'm aware of the helmet law..hell i always have the helmet on, as do ANY riders. im just trying to find where it defines NOVICE. i'll look around.
  12. what kind of bike do you have? mine's the barney purple ex.
  13. ..wow. quick as hell! thanks.
  14. A buddy of mine had the same issue just recently. Left a QS&L bike night, and got pulled over on I-77 because he was a "novice". He had his helmet on. Can someone backup the theory that having the Novice on your license means you cannot ride at night, with passengers, etc? My license still says novice, even though i've had my license for about 2.5 years now. I'm due to renew in october, so im trying to wait until then. basically im looking for where it says novice = no highway riding. I even called the state highway patrol. they told me they couldnt give me an answer to my question (Can i get pulled over/ticketed for having the novice thing on my license, and riding on the freeway?). My other buddy called the BMV, and they said no, your only restricted w/ temps, not novice license. so..Its a grey area?
  15. New to the forum, figured id post here first. I own a '96 Ninja 500. airbox mod, carb adjustment, and everything else is stock. Me, I work at a Goodyear Auto Service Center, this will be my third season riding. I am half-married (dating seven years, same thing right?!), have 1 kid. ..and im 24. so...HI.
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