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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. I will be out as much as I can. We will see what all I race in, not really sure. Should have a nice grid of 08 zx-6r's out there, counting 5 so far.
  2. If not we can only hope he injured himself to where he can't reproduce.
  3. I really don't understand trying to force you knee down. It doesn't mean you're fast.
  4. Getting involved doesn't include hooking up for one night right?
  5. I have nothing to add except :bukkake:
  6. What, would people at work get pissed if you watched in your bday suit there?
  7. I took mine through Hart's guns.
  8. Not sure how old this is but the tire direction this isn't 100% true for all tires. Some have changed the construction and they can be ran backwards, only down side is the tread is going the wrong direction. Not really a problem unless you ride in the rain.
  9. I would say they do. I don't ride differently on the street minus the pace.
  10. It's ginger voodoo. Brian good point on how Rossi holds his head. I have been bitched at for looking at the pavement but I use my eyes to look up and not tilt my head. The pictures look funny.
  11. blue03636


    I haven't used any of the add on stuff. If he's doing bmx stuff the handle bar mount is nice.
  12. blue03636


    I have seen them survive 100+ mph crashes.
  13. blue03636


    That's the hero2, same one I use. It works well with good video quality.
  14. blue03636


    If you going to get a gopro I would get the hero2 or higher. Main reason is they come with a battery pack vs batteries, the batteries tend to only last 20-30 min. The other reason is the Hero2 and up can hold up to a 32 gig card vs a 4 gig.
  15. This thread took way too long to get to this.
  16. That's ok, I'm doing a Keith Code day instead.
  17. We all know this is a low number. I know you put more meat in your mouth than that every day.
  18. Nope but I can't go because some ass hat scheduled it for the week or two before my spring break.
  19. If you are worried, I wouldn't recommend a track walk before you ride it.
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